"Harry, this is. . . I love it." I said. "How do you keep it so nice when you're always in a different country?"

"My mum takes care of it for me. She visits the house once or twice a month to clean it up a bit and to just check that no ones broken in or anything." Harry explained.

"Wow, you're lucky to have such a caring mom." I said, walking further inside and sitting on the couch.

"Yeah, I really am." Harry agreed and then a huge smile covered his face. "And you're going to meet her today. I've arranged for the three of us to have brunch."

A nervous feeling creeped up into my stomach, spreading through me slowly. Meeting Harry's mom? I was glad that I meant enough to Harry for him to want his mom to meet me. It just worried me that she wouldn't like me or think that Harry should find someone better. There was also my age. Was Harry going to tell her the truth or would we both have to lie to his mom?

"Unless you don't want to go," Harry added, noticing the grim expression on my face.

"I do want to go. It's just. . . I don't want to lie to your mom about my age. It would make me feel guilty when I actually am old enough to be with you legally. It might change her views on me, if she even likes me to start with." I explained.

"She'll love you. How could she not?"

"And about my age?"

"Let me do the explaining if the topic comes up, but if not, just don't say anything."

I nodded and Harry wrapped me in his arms. Maybe I could pull this off. Everything would be fine, I tried to convince myself.


After a quickie against the wall of Harry's bedroom and a four hour nap in his king size bed, we were up and ready for our brunch date with his mom.

"I'm so nervous." I said as we made our way out the front door.

Harry squeezed my hand and smiled at me as we waited for the uber car to come get us. I couldn't help but to think how wonderfully Harry fit in with the surroundings here. He looked like a prince with his black pea coat and dark hair hanging in loose curls. Of course he would fit in here, though, it was his home.

"You'll be fine, my love." He murmured.

My heart skipped a beat at his term of endearment. He'd never called me that before but I loved it. It seemed so elegant.

The uber car arrived a minute or so later and we were officially on our way to brunch with Harry's mom. My nerves churned in my stomach.

"We're here." Harry stated a half an hour later.

I walked hand and hand with Harry into the restaurant. It was bright inside and decorated with a lot of plants. Most of the tables were full and I wondered if Harry's mom was already here. Harry grinned and pulled me behind him in a fast pace. We came to a stop in front of a booth near the back. A young lady, presumably his mom, sat on the left with a big smile on her face.

"Hi, mum. I've missed you loads." Harry said, letting go of my hand and opening his arms.

"I love you, Harry. I've missed you so much!" She said, standing up and embracing him. A few tears fell from her eyes as she hugged him.

I couldn't keep the smile off my face despite my nerves. It was nice to see Harry so happy. He parted with his mom and we sat on the right side of the booth.

"Mum, this is Jessica." Harry turned to me. "Jess, this is my mum, Anne."

"It's so nice to meet you." I said, extending my arm across the table.

Anne grabbed my hand and shook but something felt off. Had I already made a bad impression on her or was I imagining it? We ordered our drinks and looked over the menu. Harry and his mom chatted easily, catching up on what they'd been up to. Soon enough, the waitress came to our table to take our orders. I regretted thinking something was wrong between Anne and I. She seemed very nice and genuine. It must have been how nervous I'd been.

"Ready to order?" The waitress asked with a smile.

"Not yet," Anne said quickly before Harry and I could get anything out.

We both looked at her, my gaze curious and surprised, Harry's confused. Just as Harry was about to speak up, a pretty blonde approached our booth and sat down next to Anne.

"Now we're ready." Anne said.

Harry stiffened beside me and the look on his face became icy and cold. He stared at the blonde girl who now sat at our table but he didn't smile. The tension in the room became thick and my once settled nerves came back with a vengeance. The waitress took our orders but I didn't feel hungry anymore. Something was going on and I needed to know.

"Don't be rude, Harry." Anne said. "Introduce them."

"Jessica this is Laura. She's an old friend."

Laura was stunningly beautiful and I felt insecure under her gaze. Harry laced his hand with mine under the table and squeezed.

"You've let your hair grow out." Laura said to Harry. "It was a lot shorter at our engagement party."

My mouth fell open and I dropped my phone on the top of the table. Harry had been engaged before? To her? What had happened? Why hadn't he told me about it? I felt sick to my stomach.

(((Anyways, if you like this please vote)))

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