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I didn't sleep good at all. I had nightmare after nightmare. Each one worse than it's predecessor. I can't remember anything about them though.

I guess that's the first good thing that's happened to me in a day. I know my life is terrible when it's a relief that I can't remember a dream. At least dreams can't hurt me. They can't leave me as broken as I feel right now.

Another sad thing is, I was thinking about taking Chris's advice from last night. He left and never came back, not even to sleep I'm here. As I was trying to sleep, my thoughts took off.

I was thinking maybe I should give up hope after all. Because he's right, I might just be setting myself up for heartbreak. I was so close to just throwing in the towel and going after Chris. Maybe try to set things right and tell him I was wrong.

But before I could, Olivia's words came rushing back to mind, "Don't forget who you are," she said.

And Morgan Lewis would never be first to apologize. And she'd never go against what she believes. She believes in hope and family. She would do anything to prove her point.

I am Morgan Lewis.

So I stayed in the room. I wouldn't go tell Chris he is right about hope. It's not my fault someone betrayed him and left him alone. So it's not my job to set things right. None of this is right anyways. What's right would be me at home with my family and Ryan. Not stuck in a cabin somewhere in the United States.

After I convinced myself who I am, I fell asleep and was greeted by the first nightmare.

Now I'm laying lazily the bed all spread out. It's been ages since I've had my own bed. I've greatly missed it too. It surprised me to wake up alone. Usually when we are fighting, which is 95% of the time, Chris still sleeps in here.

Maybe he finally decided I wasn't worth the effort. Now that's something impossible. If that were going to happen, it would've happened after I escaped the second time for sure.

Chris probably just needed some alone time. I'm glad he did. I close my eyes and start to doze off again. Hopefully the nightmares stay away.

I'm almost asleep, when the warm comforters are ripped off of me. Leaving my body vulnerable to the cold. It's already starting to seep in through my sweatpants.

Before I can even look at what's going on, I'm picked up and carried out of the room. I start to panic at first and start to fight him. "Hey, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you," he laughs. What is so funny about that?

"Chris! Put me down, I'm not hurt anymore," I say crankily. He's picked a really bad time to mess with me.

My eyes are scrunched. The light in the hallway is almost blinding. Chris starts walking down the stairs, I can tell from the new bounce in his step. "I know yesterday was rough for us," he says. I think rough is an understatement. "But it's a new day. Let's just put yesterday behind us?"

"I can't do that," I say bitterly. "Forgetting wont make it better. Now take me back up and let me sleep!"

He sighs, "I knew you'd say that. So how about instead of forgetting, you put your mind someplace else?"

My vision begins to clear slightly, but it still hurts to open my eyes. "Something like sleeping?" I say tiredly.

He laughs lightly. We are at the bottom of the stairs. "It's already 10 in the morning, I'm not waiting any longer."

It's already that late? I must be really out of it. "Waiting for what?"

He sets me on my feet at the bottom of the stairs. "Open your eyes and see." Does he have to make everything so difficult?

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