Ch.11: "Fennel"

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Dedication to my real life best friend for helping me finding a breed for the cat XD A round of applause for the heroine! :D 



"When she's going to wake up?" A disembodied voice asked, its voice sounded distant to me.

 "Anytime." Another melodic voice answered. "Probably now."

 "Good, it's been days," he grumbled, sounding displeased.

   My eyelids were too heavy for me to lift them. A groan escaped my lips as I tried to move. I could feel my bones screaming at me, telling me to cease my attempts before they became permanently useless. My body continued to throb in pain when I let out another groan, but this one was filled with irritation, as I turned my head to the side. Inhaling a sharp breath, I winced. A piercing pain settled itself in my head, adding to the fact that my brain felt like it was pounding against my skull.

   "Ah, you're awake." The same singsong voice said. 

   Wondering who the owner of that voice was, I forced my eyes to open. The room I was in looked almost like a storeroom. The walls were painted white, same went for the floor. The thing that I had been lying on turned out to be a piece of a cardboard paper.

Where am I?

   The place was spacious and empty, save for several metal cabinets, two small white windows that overlooked the mountains and two or three more pieces of pasteboard paper.

Biting the bottom of my lip, I glanced up to the man beside me and our eyes locked for a second. His beautiful emerald eyes shimmered with hope and happiness. The scent of freshly cut summer grass radiated from his lean yet muscular body. I inhaled the comforting scent and closed my eyes temporarily, picturing the plains in my muddled mind.

   "You must be Artemis," he finally spoke, flashing a smile to me. "I'm Desmond."

   It was then I noticed those long pointy ears protruding from his mass of blonde curls. My eyes drifted down to his outfit. He wore a simple white tunic with a small badge of a sparrow spreading its wings and a pair of shaggy shorts which hung limply around the waist.

   "Desmond... What a beautiful name..." I said my thoughts aloud.

   His polite smile stretched wider at my words. "You must thank my mother and father then."

   My golden eyes widened at his response. Holy shit, why did I say that!? I could feel the blood rising to my cheeks when he sat next to me, closing the small gap between us. As if to make things worse, someone cleared their throat in the room. Glad for an interruption, I searched the room for the person and immediately found Lincoln lolling against the wall.

   "You should change your bloody clothes and go back to Lord Marcus." His tone carried nothing but monotone.

   Without any hesitation, my hands felt the fabric of my costume and saw dried blood on my palms. My cheeks burned at the sight of it. I bet I look like a bloody piece of meat to Desmond! I opened my mouth to answer Lincoln but couldn't produce any sarcastic remarks. Mainly because what he said was right.

   "First of all, where am I?" I walked towards one of the windows and gazed into a distance.

   Surprisingly enough, once I smelled Desmond's scent, all of my pain went away like it never happened. I was not complaining, though. After a moment of silence, I released a sigh and stared at both of the guys before me.

   "You're at a shack in the middle of the forest," Desmond gave in, lowering his head in regret. Soft blonde curls overshadowed his sea green eyes. "I'm sorry but I'm sure our Kin―"

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