Chapter 31: Finding out

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Enid POV

Carl ran outside after hearing the news about Maggie and Glenn's baby. I attempted to follow, but Glenn pulled me back.

"Don't. Give him some time." Glenn demanded of me. I understood why I should have given Carl time to cool off, and I understood why Glenn told me to. But, the temptation to go after him was to strong. I flicked Glenn's hand off my shoulder, and barged out the door. I heard Glenn and Maggie calling my name, but I ignored them.

I climbed over the fence, and jumped down. I began to run again, dodging the trees.

I couldn't see Carl, mostly because he got a head start, but I could hear other footsteps besides mine.

"Carl!!" I screamed. No response. I spun in a circle, looking in every direction for him. Nothing.

All of the sudden, something grabbed on to me. I turned my head to see a walker, trying to rip through my skin.

"Carl!! Help!" I cried for help, but no response.

Out of nowhere, the walker collapsed to the ground. I turned around to see Carl standing there with a knife. I ran toward him, and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you." I whispered. He didn't acknowledge it. "Look, I get your upset. For whatever reason. But don't get mad at me. Don't take it out on me. That's not fair."

"Life's unfair." He shrugged. What a jerk! He then smirked, showing me he was kidding. He ran off, me chasing after him.

Everything happened so fast. The joy, the run, the love. Soon, I tripped over Carl's shoe. It's not easy chasing someone who runs the same speed as you.

I fell on top of Carl, leaving an awkward space between our faces. I began to feel nauseous over the situation, but I took a deep breath, and ignored it. Carl moved in closer, but I slowly moved away.

"Carl." I called, snapping us out of the moment.

"Right." He cleared his throat, and threw me to the side of him, leaving us staring at the gorgeous, blue sky. We both started to smile. We turned out heads toward each other, remaining that smile.

We laid there for what seemed like half the day, but in reality it was probably five minutes.

Finally, I boosted off of the ground. I looked at Carl, who seemed to be in a trance. Jokingly, I kicked him on his side. He got off the ground, picking up his gun, which dropped out of his belt.

Then, I remembered my guilty. I never told him about it. I felt bad, but I was scared to say anything.

I took a deep breath, and worked up the guts to tell him.

"Carl?" I called, playing with my hands trying to help my stress.

"Yeah?" He responded, finally getting off of the ground.

"I need to tell you." I told him. His eyes went from happy to nervous.

"Okay..." He slurred.

I closed my eyes, trying to think away the moment. Trying to make the moment seem less  real. It wasn't going to work. I opened my eyes and breathed in and out. His father is going to kill me.

"I made a deal." I paused.

"A deal?" He asked.

"Yes. With the saviors." I added. His eyes widened in fear and anger.

"You what? What kind of deal Enid!?" He yelled.

"I didn't know we made a deal with the hill top already, but I promised the saviors I would get our community to give them things like food and water in exchange for medicine and better weapons." I explained.

"We don't have those things. In fact, we're trying to trade for them." He argued.

"I know. And that's why I was so scared to tell you." I frowned. "Rick is going to kill me."

I threw my hand on top of my eyes, face palming. I thought for sure that Carl was going to yell in my face, and shoot me. Instead, I felt his arms wrap around me.

"He's not going to kill you. We've been through worse." He told me.

"I don't know Carl. The saviors are pretty resourceful and tough. You don't even know." I laid my head on his shoulder.

"And how do you know?" He asked.

"Can I trust you?" I whispered.

"Of course." By the tone of his voice, I knew he felt sorry for me.

"I used to travel with a small group that was involved with them. They found me in the middle of the woods, and threatened to take me with them again. I refused and made the deal." I explained. By the silence, I could tell he was in shock. "The wolves were the group I traveled with. I was half with them and half with your group when they attacked Alexandria. I didn't know they were going to, and so I left them. They kind of ignored it, but they also were looking for me at the same time. So when they found me in the woods, they were glad. I was scared, and I panicked. That's when I made the deal."

It was quiet for minutes on end. With us staring at each other. Carl in shock, and me in fear of whether or not his group will disown me.





Anybody else in shock besides Carl? Is this worth what you've been waiting for? Is this all Enid has been hiding? Or is she hiding more?

Give me feedback in the comments below!

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Thanks and see you next chapter!

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