Chapter 2

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Alice was lounging on her overly large bed reading, when she heard a faint knock at her door. She stood up and slid on her fuzzy slippers, and made her way to the door in her night gown.

Since it was late in the evening Alice assumed it was Helga with a question about the color scheme for the hallway, or a question about Alice's sizing. So Alice opened up one of the two doors with a smile for Helga. But when her hazel eyes met with Flynn's, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Flynn. What are you doing here at this hour?"

He rubbed the nape of his neck nervously.
"Can I come in? I have a question."

Alice stepped aside and opened the door wider so Flynn could enter. As he walked past his cinnamon scent flooded her nose and covered the rest of the room.

Alice knowing she needn't to ask again, crossed her arms and tapped her foot rhythmically, and looked at Flynn expectantly. Flynn sighed and sat down in her chair.

"I didn't see you tonight at your ball." He stated

"That is not a question."

"You know what I mean."

Alice sighed and turned around to look out her large window.

"You didn't get a chance to see the marvelous Prince Jack of Bravalon. But you probably wouldn't of anyways with all the ladies swarming him." Flynn mentioned

When she didn't respond he said

"Your parents were furious that you weren't at your ball."

"My parents did not throw the ball because they love me, they threw the ball because the King and Crown Prince of Bravolon arrived. They did not even mention my name the whole event!"

"How did you know that? You weren't even there."

" I was disguised as a maiden from the village." Alice mumbled

"Alice! You know to never use your powers in public! Someone could've found out!" Flynn scolded, shooting up from the chair.

"Shh! Keep it down. I do have neighbors. I know. I won't do it again."

"Promise?" He asked.


"Good."  Flynn said as he stood up from the chair.

He strode over to Alice and enclosed her in his arms. He buried his face into her blonde locks and tightened his arms around her waist.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his chest.

"I couldn't bare to lose you. Promise me again you will never use your powers in public." He said, but it was muffled through Alice's hair.

"I promise." She said. But she didn't intend on keeping it. She did not realize the punishment for practicing magic. Magic was outlawed and punishment was death by fire. But she didn't fret, Alice thought she could keep it a secret forever.


Brazmodan sat in his large, icy throne room gazing upon the crystal ball upon the top of his ice staff. He sat lazily upon his overly decorated throne, holding the staff in one hand and petting his white owl with the other.

He was watching Alice in his staff.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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