••• Seven •••

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My feet are quick to carry me into the building, not caring about the looks I get over my attire as I head straight for the elevator. I'm a pissed off woman who'd better not be bothered at all. Pressing the button for the floor, I'm between many business people as we ascend the floors.

As I arrive at the floor, I rush out of the elevator, walking quickly down the familiar path that I took only this week. My mind races with endless conversation scenes that may happen when I walk through those opaque glass doors. His secretary isn't even here as I stand before the door, a surge of energy rushing through my body as I contemplate if this is a good idea. Of course it's not! But I'm a damn mad woman right now whose sister was raped and the boy that did it is missing.
There's no way in hell this boy went missing all on his own.

My fingers wrap around the handle as I pull the door open, meeting his eyes right away.

He's shocked to say the least as he gets to his feet, unsure as of why I'm here. I let the door shut behind me as he stands looking good as ever in another Italian suit that makes me think back to last night. "Lil-

"What did you do?" I hiss, walking to the front of the desk, cranking up my neck to meet him square in the eye.

"What did I do?" He asks, still looking shocked to see me here. "Lily, you're worrying me here."

"Adam Kenner, he's missing. I'd told you last night my sister was...raped, and now, that bastard is missing," I snap, explaining quickly as he takes only a few strides to be standing directly before me.

"What makes you think I did anything?"

He's right, what makes me think he did anything? What makes me think Nixon actually took action? I didn't even tell him who the guy was! But one look at Nixon and you could think he was part of the mafia. He could kill someone.
Nixon could, no doubt, kill a man with his bare hands.

And here I am, with no evidence, blaming this man for a missing boy.
Sighing, I sit in the chair behind me, running my hands over my face. "I'm sorry, I-I've just had a long day. I'm not thinking straight," I apologize. Nixon nods, walks around the chair, placing is hands on my shoulders.

He massages them, helping me relax as my thoughts drift back to my sister. "It's just, when your baby sister is raped, when she's taken advantage of and not respected, you just try to figure anything out. I'm sorry I came here like I did."

Arms wrap around my body from behind, a chin resting upon my head as I take in a deep breath and release one as well. "You don't need to be sorry, Lily, you're going through a rough time."

I nod my head, leaning back into his touch. We stay like this for what feels like hours until his phone rings and he has to pick it up.


He continues on with some in depth business deal about some territory rule as I decide to zone out, looking around the modern office. The second he puts down the phone he goes back to typing on his computer. A soft vibration from my phone draws my attention elsewhere.

It's from Terrance.

Tonight? Seven thirty for a movie? I'll pick you up.

"Ah, this much be the boy," a deep voice says from behind me.

Jumping in my seat, I see Nixon no longer on his computer but behind me. How the hell did he do that?!

"Er, yes, it's him."

Anger and pain sweep through his eyes as I take in a sharp breath. Nixon walks away and stares out of the window, watching the world below as if he's some god. "I'd advise you to stay away," he informs.

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