Part Two - You Hold A Lot Of Crazy...

Start from the beginning

Jedidiah tried yelling around the ball gag but it came out muffled.

Bailey leaned in close to Jedidiah and if Jedidiah didn't know any better, he'd say that Bailey looked sincerely apologetic, but he did know better. ''I'm sorry, Jedidiah, but this has to be done. I love you.''

Jedidiah screamed at him around the ball gag and began furiously flailing his restrained limbs, but Bailey merely glanced at him before he retreated from the bedroom, once again leaving Jedidiah in darkness, only this time there was no silence, but the sound of his own muffled screams.


          Jedidiah was starving and if he were to take a wild guess of how long it's been since he's eaten or drank anything for that matter, he'd guess about two days.

So, to say Jedidiah was tired would be an understatement—he was exhausted.

Which was funny because he spent the fours days of being shunned by Bailey to sleep or piss himself and while the fact that he had to resort to pissing himself in order to relieve himself should have caused him embarrassment like any normal human being—it didn't.

He had no other choice because Bailey wasn't coming in with a bottle for him to pee in and it wasn't like he had to relieve himself a lot either because he was no doubt dehydrated.

And it didn't help that he had screamed his throat raw, and to add salt to the wound it hurt to swallow which Jedidiah had to do a lot of because of the damn ball gag, and he didn't even want to get started on the damage done to his wrists because of the metal handcuffs that cut into his skin from his constant tugging.

In total, Jedidiah felt like absolute crap and he probably looked the part as well.


          It was on day four, Jedidiah believed Bailey had left him to die here on this bed, handcuffed and naked and covered in his own urine, but then the door to the bedroom opened and the light in the room was turned on. Jedidiah cringed from the sudden light in the room and was quick to close his eyes as he heard Bailey approach the bed.

''You don't look so good, but I'm sure you've had enough time to think about your actions.'' He said and Jedidiah felt him prod around the back of his neck before he felt the ball gag become loose and then the ball gag was out of his mouth.

Jedidiah opened and closed his mouth a few times to try and ease the stiffness in his jaw, but it didn't do much. So, instead he hesitantly opened his eyes, but was quick to close them before opening them again and he found himself staring up into the face of Bailey.

''Water.'' Jedidiah managed and his voice was extremely hoarse.

''Of course.'' Bailey responded and held up an open water bottle to Jedidiah's lips. He drank the offered water greedily and the cool liquid was a major relief on his parch and sore throat. ''How are you feeling?''

Jedidiah finished off the water bottle and inhaled a deep and needed breath of air before glaring in Bailey's direction and rasped out. ''Hungry and covered in pee.''

''I know, I've brought you some chicken broth and a slice of bread.'' He said. ''Would you like some?''

Jedidiah almost spat out a sarcastic remark, but quickly thought better after having been in solitude for a few days and settled for nodding his head. Jedidiah watched as Bailey picked up the slice of bread and dipped it into a white bowl before holding it out towards him and he was quick to open his mouth and bite down on the offered food. He barely even registered the taste as he finished off the bread and drank from the bowl of warm broth Bailey held to his mouth and he could feel the warmth of the broth pool in his stomach.

After Bailey set down the white bowl, he asked. ''Would you like a bath?''

''To marinate in my own pee?'' Jedidiah asked before he could stop himself.

''Of course not, I'll rinse you off first.'' Bailey explained and that's when Jedidiah heard it and it caught his attention. He turned his head to stare at Bailey as the man pulled out a small set of metal keys from his pant pocket and brought the keys up to the handcuffs that kept him restrained.

And little did the undeniably insane man whose name Jedidiah learned to be Bailey know, that undoing these handcuffs were going to be the biggest mistake of his life.

Or rather, what's left of his life when Jedidiah was done with him.


A/N: I really wasn't planning for this one-shot to become three parts, like at all, but I had gotten so many messages asking for this to become a full length story (which it won't) so instead I made it into a short story and the next part will be the last part.

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