chapter five- i do....him.

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*sighs* i am ganna try to write over 1200 words this time, i dont know why but i will try. but the chapters are going to get better, i promise..!!! and sorry i never updated in a while, just shit happening with friends, crushes, BFF's etc, dont need to worry about the book though. well byeeee see you at the end of the chapter!!


Candace's POV

I do like marcel, he is just cute and nice even though he is a nerd and im wont work but love is love, you cant choose who you love and who you hate, but I think I made a mistake texting him that... I seen his face when he seen it and after a minute or two he started typing so when my phone vibrated I looked and saw this:

''Candace, I just don't want sorry but im SO not really ready yet maybe soon but not now and I know chad likes you, I think you two should not me and you, your popular and im a nerd it wont work.''

I wanted to cry then but what happened next scared me the most.

''I..i feel sick guys!''then marcel ended up throwing up on me. so I screamed and ran home to clean my self up.

marcel's POV

I was throwing up all day, im home now after Candace ran home and I stopped vomiting I told them I will be home and will be there 'till I feel better.

my mom said it was a virus. it is a rare one too. so we don't know how long I will be sick, maybe an hour, maybe a year, who knows. 

i started vomiting and while doing that, i felt dizzy and everything went black.

*three hours later.*

My head hurt badly. 

 I woke up a few minutes ago, in my bed ? but.. i was in the washroom when i did faint, so how did i get in here? did someone bring me? did i walk? did i magicly transport? No, thats stupid.... 

''Hi.'' A girls voice rang through my ears, candace's voice.

''Hey...'' i said. I cant really seem to get what candace said to me out of my head...

''you ok? i came to see you and you were passed out on the floor.''

''yeah, im ok.'' i ignored the fact she came to see me.

'' thats good... about the message.. '' i cut her off before she could continue.

'' No, no its ok. i didnt mind it.'' i said telling the truth.

''you sure? i felt bad when i sent it.. i knew i shouldn't of sent it but i did.., because i kinda like you now....i dont know how i did start liking you but... i guess hanging with you makes me like you even more.'' i was really surprised that she said she liked me. i never knew that would come.

 ''oh... well i like you too, but you know we cant.... your popular, im a nerd. it would never work out and you know that candace.'' i said to her.

''really? you like... me too? .. and we could.. love is love, its strong in its ways, no matter how far, how close, or anything really, if you love someone you should let them know and see their feelings, they feel the same, you date.''  she kept going on and on about love, like who cares about that stuff? i dont. if we arnt in the same group then no, im not doing anything with them.

''well... i am sorry, but i dont do anything with someone from a different group, if you were a nerd, or i was popular, i would be with you.. but i cant. its just not right. maybe some time in the near future i will be with you, but not now. i am truly sorry.'' i explained. I seen she had tears in her eyes, it killed me to see that i made her cry. i never wanted her to cry, i just wanted my point across. 

''im sorry, we could be FWB ? (friends with benefits.) want to?'' i said/asked really fast, i didnt want to see her cry.

''o-ok..'' she said trying to calm her self. 

i hugged her 'till she stopped sobbing. i dont know why she was still crying, but it still killed me to see her cry, or even look sad for a second, maybe im falling for her? 

''Anyway i got to go! later!'' she said and started walking off. 

''ok, bye!'' i yelled after her. 

i lid back dont and thought of what just happened. did i just ask her to be FWB? i cant think straight now.

 Candace's POV.

i walked out of marcel's house and started to walk home. did he really just ask to be friends with benefits?  did i really just say yes to being friends with benefits with him? am i gone crazy? well, the answer to all of them is, Yes.

i never thought i would ever like him but i do like him.. but why? I Dont Know. 

i was almost at chads house. Me and him were going to hang for a bit. He knew i went to Marcel's house, he knows i like Marcel, he knows all my secrets, im lucky he wont telll anyone, but i REALLY hope he would never tell anyone that i like marcel or my real hair color is brown or that i used to cut or a color my ruts. I never told anyone my secrets only a sheet or paper and chad.

 I walked to his door. He answered right away.

''Hey candie.'' he calles me that, yeah, be jealous, very jealous.

''hey ...chad.'' i dont have a nick name for him i didnt know what to call him besides chad.

''....I HATE YOU ! I GOT NO NICK NAME ?! i see where i stand.'' yeah, he acts like that with me. only me. im his best frined.

''soooooorrrrryyyy!!!!! i just dont know what to call you, you have a shot name.'' i said laughing while pushing past him and going to get a drink.

''dont push me! you have no right to! i never told you to push me.'' he tried to pull me from me drink but, i love my drinks!

''well here.'' then, i pushed him so hard he fell on the floor. I jumped on top of him and sat there, drinking and sitting on him, it was fun around him he was silly and fun with me, like always. 

''GET YOUR FAT ASS OFF ME! '' he yelled and tired to push me off, not using all his strength because he could push me across the room with one touch.


there. got it done. took half an hour to thik and type my bad ideas. will try hard to update sooner then last time..  comment and tell me what you think of it? bad? good? average? huh? well, i an 2 assimemts back in a class, so i have to finish them so i wont update that soon , but will try to. REMEMBER NOT EDITED YET, will edit when the book is done.

well, byye.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2013 ⏰

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