Ch. 42 - Stripper Penguin

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I cringed when it crashed into a bin of avocados, the fruit falling off the display and burying the lady alive who was still stuck in the cart as I took the bag of chips away from my lips, placing my hand over my mouth in shock while a few employees and customers ran to her aid.

It was when I saw her head pop up from the pile of avocados that I released a soft sigh of relief.

"You bitch!" She hissed, pointing at me from across the hall as everyone turned to glare at me.

"Alright you ain't dead! Sorry again! Really! I am!" I yelled back, bringing my hands up before turning around and darting out of the isle with the kale chips in my grip.

I found Harry at the front of the store, leaning against the wall near the sliding doors looking down at his phone with a small frown before he looked up at the sound of my feet padding against the floor as I ran towards him.

"There you are? What the hell took you so long, I already got the rest of the groceries in the car-"

"No questions! Just run!" I panted out, stopping at the counter and running in place with adrenaline pumping through my veins as I fumbled with my wallet, dropping a bunch of loose change and coins onto the floor and counter as the cashier flinched.

"Keep the change." I wheezed when I realized I had probably thrown a good amount of coins out of my wallet before running back to a confused Harry, grabbing his hand with the one that wasn't holding his chips before leading him out the door.


"Oh I'm sorry, who was it again that told me they didn't need any help?" Harry questioned with a bored expression before a teasing dimpled smirk spread across his face as my knees began to wobble, glaring at him while he popped a kale chip into his mouth and chewed happily on it.

I made a strangled noise from the back of my throat since I couldn't open my mouth with the plastic bag between my gritted teeth, my arms shaking from carrying three plasic bags full of groceries on each of them as Harry continued to watch me struggle.

The curly haired bitch wouldn't open the fucking front door of my apartment.

I let out another wheeze, my eyes widening at him for emphasis on how desperate I was to get inside.

"I know I know you got me my chips and had to actually fight for it and even though you're absolutely crazy for that, I thank you. But I told you that we could just do a second trip and not carry all the groceries at once and what did you say?" Harry mocked, reaching out patting my head, ruffling his my dark hair as I narrowed my eyes and loudly growled at him.

"You said, and I quote, two trips are for pussies and proceeded to carry all the groceries to the elevator rejecting my help." He taunted as I let out a huff of annoyance, ready to collapse to the floor from exertion, the gravity of the grocery bags weighing me down.

I was now screaming through my teeth with wide eyes, stuck in place in front of my door with my knees bent, legs shaking and the bags hanging from my arms as Harry laughed and swung the key to my apartment around his long pointer finger, teasing me.

"Mmfth thmf hmm, mm fmth hmm!" I growled my threat through gritted teeth, still holding one of the bags in my mouth as Harry placed a hand over his chest in mock horror.

"Now that was just rude." He said, his smirk still in tact before he finally opened the door for me as I let out a cry of relief and shoved him out of the way, running straight into my apartment practically throwing the bags out onto the floor before collapsing to the ground next to them.

I was panting heavily, my cheek pressed to the cold wood floors as I heard the front door of my flat close before Harry's footsteps entered the room.

Cliché [COMPLETE]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon