Peering eyes

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   I finally got the last box of stuff from my car and was waiting for the elevator to come to take me up to my new apartment. It was going to be torture organizing everything and also having time to study for exams. To make it even worse, I was lazy, which means that nothing was going to be moved from the boxes for a long while. In no time the elevator was here and  I took it up to the second floor. I picked a second floor apartment because heights weren't my favourite thing and also the fear of a fire happening and I wouldn't have a way down fast enough. Maybe I over exagerate a bit too much, but it was a chance that I was not going to take. 

I stepped out of the elevator and went down the hall to apartment number 23. I went to my front door and was about to place the box down to open it, but it tipped out of my arms and fell over. I groaned in anger. Why do I have to be so clumsy? I bent down to put back the some stuff that fell out of the box, but I soon stopped when I heard a door open down the hall. I think I might have groaned too loudly and disturbed someone. I quickly turned around to see a guy peering out his door. He looked at me and I just stared at him. His face looked cute. He looked Korean. His skin had a bit of a tan to it as well. He had dark eyes with black hair to match. He came out a bit more and I realized that he was shirtless. I wanted to look away, so it didn't look as if I was staring at his six pack abs, but it was really difficult. His tattoo's were also an interesting thing to analyze also. Overall, he looked sexy.

"I heard something drop, so I was wondering what it was. Sorry for coming out shirtless; I was just about to work out," he apologized with a smile on his face.

I smiled back. As if I had a problem with that. "I have no problem with that."

He looked at me confused. I soon acknowledged what I had said and blushed. Good thing he couldn't see my fair blush because of my mocha complection. He soon smiled at me again. He had an extremely attractive smile. 

"Have no problem with what?" He asked.

"Oh, um, with picking up my stuff from the ground," I said, trying to be slick to cover up what I was really talking about. 

He smirked. With that smirk on his face, I think he knows what I was really talking about. His well carved muscles were very hard to ignore and I bet he knew that. I wish I could touch them, but that would be kind of odd and weird to do to a stranger.

"Would you like some help?" He asked.

I shook my head. "It's not much, I can handle it myself."

He gave me that wholesome smile again. I started to wonder if he was doing this on purpose or he didn't know how extremely attractive he was just standing there. 

"I see your independent. That's a very hard trait to ignore," he said.

I was independent and I'm glad he noticed, so it didn't seem as if I was going to make him do all the heavy lifting. Well, the light lifting. He squated down and began to pick up some stuff off the ground and put it back in the box. I also squatted down to help him.

"How many boxes did you care up by yourself?" He asked.

"I don't know, maybe twelve," I replied.

He looked at me in shock. "That's a lot of boxes to carry by yourself."

"It was no problem really," I assured him.

It took us no time to put everything back in the box and he lifted it up for me with ease. I took out my key to open the door, but felt an elbow hit my upper arm. He had slightly nudged me with his elbow. I guessed he wanted my attention. I turned to look at him.

"If you ever need any help with moving or unpacking anything, just knock on door 29 down the hall," he told me.

I smiled at him. How could I refuse that offer. "I will."

   I finally got the door opened and looked at the mess that was around. He placed the box on the floor and faced back to me with his hand outstretched.

"Welcome to the apartment hood, I'm Jay Park," he finally introduced.

I was hesitant to take hold of his hand. My hands have a tendency to get really sweaty out of no reason. I placed my wrist in his hand. He looked puzzled, but soon laughed at my odd gesture and shook my wrist anyway. His shake was so strong and firm on my wrist. The muscles weren't just for show.

"I'm Ariana Power. Nice to meet you."

"The pleasures all mine."

He soon let go of my wrist and started to walk towards the door, but not before he turned back around to look at me.

"Remember that I'm just down the hall at door 29 if you want any help or company. I know how lonely it is just being in an apartment by yourself."

I smiled, but I was really trying to contain myself from squealing in excitement from his fantastic offer. I started to wonder if he was new to New York himself. If he even had friends around this area to talk to. I had a few friends from my University, but non like the friends I had back home.

"I won't forget that offer," I told him.

He smiled at me and in no time he was gone down the hall. I poked my head out my door frame and looked down the hall. I wasn't really sure if all that had happened or not. A good looking Korean guy came out of his apartment shirtless to help me pick up my stuff. It felt as if it was a dream that I couldn't wait to go to sleep and dream about over and over again. I'm surprised that nobody else near my apartment heard my stuff drop and he did, even though he's down the hall. I sighed. Maybe it was meant to be. Or maybe it was me daydreaming about how it's meant to be.

I walked into my apartment a bit more and I never actually realized how much work I had to do to fix this place up. It would take me a year and then some to clean and put away things at the rate I moved. Maybe I would take up Jay's offer to help me. 

"No, I'll try my best to clean up a bit," I said to myself, as the independent woman I was and the independent woman Jay saw me as.

   I cleaned for a good two hours and began to put away things, but it just didn't look as if it was going anywhere. It still looked like a mess and most things were still in their boxes. I groaned loudly. I hope Jay heard that some how, so he could rush in here shirtless and help me clean up this mess. I opened my door and walked down the hall to get him. I hesitated to knock at first, but then I remembered that he did offer to help me, so I had the go ahead to knock firmly on his door. It only took two knocks for him to open the door. He had a shirt on this time. What a shame.

"I'm going to take you up on your offer," I said.

He smiled and nodded. "I knew you would."

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