The shock meeting

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*the sister point of view*
"Dammit, I just want to live in peace.. No people... No hassle... But noooo!! I'm not allowed to live peacefully" K grumbled grumpily "you know I can hear you" a male voice behind you snickered glancing round. Yang had caught up and was looking at you, "your so noisy snowy!" K retorted causing Yang to growl.

"Hey when you both have finished your.. Er... Debate can I get the hell off" Amberlite asked just as grumpily as her sister spoke, K chuckled. After a 30 minute journey K was the first to spot the unwanted visitors, making her scowl, A.m on the other hand was still grumbling and complaining to herself but Yang was listening and if you heard closely you could hear Yang laughing quietly.

K held her hand out to stop the others, and she jumped off Yin onto a tree branch close to where the visitors were. "There's no way in hell, I'm going up there" A.m whisper yelled, K crouched down a little to get a better view of the others and she whisper yelled back "I know... Do a spell or something to trap them" glancing back K tried hard not to laugh as A.m struggled to get off the large dogs back and when she did, she sort of fell on her back with a soft *thud*, K couldn't help but giggle earning her an evil glare but chuckled more as Amberlite as always failed at that, because she always looked funny or cute. And this wound A.m up as she hates being called cute.

Getting up A.m started mumbling something and K observed the 5 people from her perch. "Ahhh!" One of them yelled as he was about to lean on a tree but got an electric shock, this was K's cue she stood up, put her left arm in front of as though she was holding something and with her right hand she put it next to her left and pulled her right hand back and let go. A.m saw a black arrow fly towards the furthest guy away from them. The said guy with pinned to the tree behind him.

"Damn!!" He yelled K snickered and A.m grinned, they may have been opposites in personality etc. But they made a great duo team, A.m decided she wanted to make an appearance to the guys, but K wasn't so keen on that idea, so A.m walked forwards with Yang in tow. "Hey look at the hottie" one said, K cringed and shot another arrow at the guy, but this arrow was blue and pretty much started to freeze his arms to the tree, so he couldn't move, "oh? This is unique?" He said watching as the ice was spreading across.

"What do you want?" A.m asked with her head tilted, with a small smile and hands on her hips, tapping one foot. "We wish to speak with you and your sister" a blonde guy stepped forth his voice soft, but loud enough for K to hear as well. Deciding to stand by her sisters side K jumped from the branch landing on the ground next to Yin who was unfazed, gaining the attention of the others. "What the bloody hell are you all looking at?" K muttered glaring at them. "Well I think we know which one is the unapproachable one" the guy that was froze to the tree chirped, "keep it up ice boy, and you'll be losing your tongue" K replied casually.

Looking at the guy who stood forth, "hell no, now go and take your ship and fly off" K added making A.m giggle "grumpy as always aren't ya sis?" Her reply was a huff as K stood next to her sister arms crossed, with a scowl. Something clicked in K's head which she had the need to voice. Looking at the guy who got zapped "well that was a shocking meeting now wasn't it?" K smirked, the guy grumbled. The blonde guy looked surprised "was that you?" He asked K who shook her heard "no but it was amusing from where I was" she responded.

"My apologies ma'am let us introduce ourselves I am Steve Rogers" he stood aside so the others could speak, "I'm Clint Barton, just wondering, is it possible to free me?" the guy you first struck with a black arrow "no!" Was his response, "Tony Stark, I would be at your service but I'm a little frozen" he chuckled at his own humour, "Bruce Banner, pleasure to meet you both" he smiled a little but K grunted and turned around to face away from them all, A.m returned the smile, "And I am Thor son of Odin" the fifth guy boomed. "Shut the hell up you noisy twit" K growled.

A.m looked at her and poked her back "c'mon be a little nicer" A.m said kindly, "hell no! They barge onto our lands and then want me to be nice ha! No chance" K replied grumpily as she turned to look at A.m, K's eye's and Rogers eyes met but she looked away mumbling to herself as she walked off. "H-hey where you going?" Amberlite called, "I forgot Barnes needs my help with something, and yeah we'll be back shortly... See you alone!!" K called back, a sixth voice snorted "hmpf... That lady has issues!" A.m looked beside her "oh I forgot you were there" she sighed, "hmm... That's charming!" Yang replied, "did that dog just speak" Clint asked voice laced with uncertainty. "Yes he did and Yes I know!" Rogers stared after K's figure "did she just say Barnes as in Bucky?" His mind thought but unknowingly he said it loud it enough for A.m to hear.

She looked at him and replied "I have no idea who's she on about never met the guy?" And turned to look at Rogers, who seemed deep in thought, but nodded his head in acknowledgement. A loud noise was heard, in the direction K went, Yin was restless and galloped towards the same direction. "Please release us!" Bruce asked gently, A.m looked and shook her head, "I know that noise and trust me your better off in there" she sighed.

20 minutes later whilst A.m and the 5 guys were in mid conversation, K and another guy came in view with Yin of course, K looked unusually pleased with herself. And seemed happily talking to the guy who was with her. "Hey sis!" A.m yelled glad to see her sister was unharmed, "hey!" She replied, Barnes looked towards the guys and his eyes widened, "brother are you OK?" K asked concerned gently tugging at his arm. Barnes looked at her "yes I am thanks" he smiled, K hummed in reply.

Reaching the others K was first to speak, "Amberlite, this is my brother Barnes" she happily said pointing towards Barnes, "Bucky is fine, K never liked calling me that, so it's either Barnes or brother" he grinned ruffling K's hair earning a scowl "hey stop!" K looked up to see Amberlite looking at Bucky and blushing a very noticeable blush causing K to think evil thoughts, and then smirked evilly.

"By the way sis what on earth was that loud bang?" A.m asked curiously, "ahh that was me, a bad demon appeared and I decided to have some torturing fun before vanquishing him" K shrugged. "Wow cold, unapproachable and evil... Nice combination" Tony added to their conversation, "right... Er... Thanks..." K replied in a blank tone. A few moments passed before someone broke the somewhat awkward silence that had fallen upon them all.

"Bucky?" Rogers asked with shock in his tone, Bucky turned to look at the voice "Rogers?" He responded just as shocked. "Brother you know him?" K asked quietly, knowing what this meant, they were staying a while longer. "Yes I do, he's my best friend..." Bucky sort of crouched down a little and added "K do you remember all them tales, I told you about?" He looked up, K merely nodded "well they were about me and Rogers over there... You know the one you said soun..." Bucky couldn't finish his sentence as K quickly smacked her hand over his mouth to stop him from talking. K was actually blushing looking away, this made A.m smile knowingly as she had managed to make K talk one evening about a guy that sounded nice, gentlemanly and was cute (Bucky gave a description of Steve and showed her a photo, secretly he wanted them to like each other) this caused Rogers to raise a brow with a cheeky grin.

"N-never m-mind, let's change the subject" K stuttered, but A.m had other ideas, "sooo sis, I take it you like someone here" she grinned, K's face went redder, "uhh...I... Err... Hey should I tell Barnes you fancy him" K quickly changed to subject managing to make Amberlite go just as red making the others chuckle and Bucky was shocked and blushing too. "Oh yeah Barnes, even though you both never met before now, I've showed her some photos of you and occasionally put the speakerphone on when I was really busy but wanted to speak to you... Thus she heard your voice as well" K added extremely pleased with herself and noticed both of their faces were darker than crimson red.

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