The day everything changed

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the photo is of hak and yona

Hak p.o.v

It was a party in milord's building for celebrating the 40th successful year of his company  yun was in charge for planning all this.While I and jae-ha were standing in front of the gate watching the beautiful moon outside.I was thinking how long will this moon last when suddenly-

 'what is the matter hak you seem dull today' said jae-ha 

'shut up you droopy eyes or else I'll  shoot you' i said

 'woah look,look hak is getting mad' he said while I glared at him and said 

'do you want to die right now, droopy eyes?' 

'hak,we should not play with guns or else we will get hurt, right?' he said with a shaky voice so I kept my gun down.

Jae-ha p.o.v

Hak kept his gun down with a sigh and stared at the moon 


still jae-ha p.o.v

It was time to change places and I had to guard milady yona and ki-ja had to guard the entrance.

Milady yona was talking with so I didn't interrupted them then I saw him giving a hair ornament to milady and said 'yona I love your red hair' I wanted to kill him as he was so close to milady, I know that milady ,hak and are childhood friends but still he should control himself, he left after a while so I went near milady but before I could say anything she asked,'Is it your turn to guard me jae-ha?','yes it is' I said and she looked quite happy about the gift she was wearing 

I said 'milady It is cold out here you should go back to your room','what?....i don't want to go to my room' she said with a pout, 'why is that so?' I asked 

'I want to see this bright moon' she said  while looking at the moon I got irritated and pulled her towards her room 'you are very mean jae-ha!' she said 'well that can't be helped' I said and locked her in her room


The party was over now so I thought I can unlock her room and peaked in her room and found that she was sleeping soundly and since it was safe i decided to take a break

Yona pov:

I pretended to be asleep and when I found that jae-ha was not there i ran towards dad's room but then I heard some strange voice coming from his room so I quickly opened the door and saw that su-won was holding my dad up high from his neck and throwed him out of the window. My eyes grew wider and wider after seeing that moment,I was so shocked that I couldn't even say a word except 'why?', 'your father was a really big cheater yona' he said with an evil look on his face 

'how can you say that, wasn't he like your father?' I said

'yes he was like my father but he killed my father In order to take over the whole company alone and I had to take revenge my him' he replied

My eyes were so dark that I couldn't even notice what is going on when suddenly a man with white hairs entered the room from the window and said 'milord did she saw that?' He stated, 'yes, she shall die now' su-won said 

I was still very shocked to hear that, soon a bunch of zombie like creatures appeared in front of me,'kill her' said su-won but i quickly ran away from there but they followed me.I was very scared and fell on the ground,they surrounded me and pointed their gun on me, I screamed in fear "HAK!"and then hak suddenly appeared and rescued me

Hak p.o.v

'What in the world is going on here?' I said

 'Nothing much I just killed your master to take my revenge' su-won said It sounded almost as if he never cared for sir il then some level E vampires attacked me as they were being controlled by su-won it was easy to kill them but there are lot of them but I got accompanied by jae-ha and ki-ja 

Su-won p.o.v

Hak and his friends were fighting with those level E vampires so I tried to aim for yona but shin-ah ,yun and zeno took her away already,my bad luck I couldn't even say bye to the person who was so dear to me

Yun p.o.v

We grabbed milady and took her to a safer place but it wasn't far enough she looked like a puppet being controlled by me. Milady looked very depressed and quite cute, her red hair and dress were waving in the air, tears kept falling from her eyes like small diamonds, shin-ha was staring at her for a while and then gave a little smile but milady didn't notice him.I said her to sit under a tree but she didn't listen to me so I grabbed her hand and made her sit ,she still didn't said a word then zeno suddenly jumped in front of her and said 'missy don't be sad zeno'll protect you from every danger' but still no reaction .zeno looked sad about it.Soon hak ,jae-ha and ki- ja came 'there is no end to those bloody vampires' jae-ha said

 'Bloody.....vampires,what is happening?' yona said looking at jae-ha 

'The one who attacked you were vampires missy ' zeno said with a cheerful voice.I wonder how can he smile at a time like this 'father.....' yona said in low voice and started crying loudly ,she cried so much for the first time and every time I saw her smiling I wished that it should last forever but I guess it was not possible 'they're coming....' Shin-ah said 'it is useless to fight them' hak said and asked us to follow him when yona suddenly said "don't die hak" was the first word she utter after we came in the forest which made me a little jealous but it seems that it didn't affect him,he ran towards the forest and we followed him.Zeno was holding milady's hand and after a while we stopped as milady was tired so we made her sleep under a tree,hak looked pretty angry at that moment

Zeno p.o.v

Missy was sleeping peacefully under the moonlight that was directly falling on her face that made her look like a doll .Hak and ki-ja went to collect some water while jae-ha and yun were tired so they were sleeping ,soon enough I fell asleep too but when I woke I found that missy was crying loudly when I asked 'what is the matter?'no one said anything so I looked at yun 'she got little scared when hak was coming from the bushes' he said. I wonder if she'll ever recover from her fear, soon it was totally dark and we had our dinner and slept but missy didn't had ate anythin.I just wish I can see her smiling face again........ 

hak, jae-ha, shin-ah, yun, and zeno r level B except ki-ja he is level A. HAK (thunder beast) is the strongest one, ki-ja's hand is equal to a dragon , jae-ha have strong legs, shin-ah have eyes that can see faraway, zeno have the strongest body and yun is the genius guy

-Love Lucy

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