I wish we can go back

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yona p.o.v

"AAAAAHHHHHH" i screamed before I black out

hak p.o.v

I have to protect mi'lady.After all,she is the only hope for saving the kingdom and if I can comfort our fall then after hitting ground,yun can treat our wounds


third person p.o.v

Somewhere near hak and yona in the forest(below mountain)

"I'm a handsome guy with a elders mind and can do anything I want to do~" sang yun

When he reached hak and yona he bit the apple and said "what a pain"

~~~~~time skip~~~~~

yona p.o.v

I feel something dripping in my mouth,when my eyes opened I found yun squeezing an orange in my mouth

"Here eat it by yourself I'm tired of feeding you"said yun as he stuffed my mouth with the orange,my eyes traveled to the body next to mine who was hak covered in blood and bandages!

"Hak!"I exclaimed as I reached for him

"He was holding you when you fell and the trees seem to cushion your fall but he was very injured, if any delay would have been made then he would have been dead"yun explained

"Please,please save hak,yun!"I grabbed the corner of his shirt but he pulled it away

"Did you thanked him?"he asked

"No..."I said as I lowered my head in guilt

"You haven't even thanked me for saving your life...your like all rich people...always acting selfishly!"yun shouted

I was broken because I can't believe that the yun who was always so nice to me is now so rude to me

I am broken because yun was right

I am broken because I know so little about this world........

"Than-"I was cut off by a man's voice -"ah! you must be princess yona!"said the blonde man as he entered the house "ho-how do you know my name?"I asked "ah,that's because I'm a priest"he said bluntly without even hesitating even though I'm a complete stranger


"HOW MANY TIMES DO I TELL YOU NOT TO GIVE AWAY YOUR IDENTITY TO ANYONE,YOU IDIOT?!"yun yelled in a angry manner.I just sweat drop at yun's scolding because I never saw him getting angry before or maybe I never noticed it

I was getting tired of the scene so I just slept beside hak(yeah she slept beside hak XD)

*In yona's dream*

third person p.o.v

yona was upset because her mother had passed away just 1 month before and it was already white Christmas when su-won saw her in the park all alone in deep thoughts.Suddenly,he got an idea

"I made a snowman from the snow~"su-won said happily but saddened at his failed attempt

"I made something ugly from the snow again~"still a failed attempt and saddened more but then he saw hak lying on the floor

"what are you doing hak?"asked the curious boy

"I'm putting proof of my existence on the earth"said the blunette

'so cool~'su-won thought then yona throwed a snowball at hak's face saying"you are the perfect target for the snowball"while smiling

"ohhh~"said hak as he got up and soon there was a snowball fight and they layed down,tired looking at the sky promising never to leave each other alone while holding hand

Her eyes shot open and remembered that it was all a dream

yona p.o.v

I woke up from my dream and started wiping my tears but then I noticed........HAK IS NOT BESIDE ME!


Sorry guys! for the delay because i usually write a new chapter after 5 reads on previous chap but because i didn't got any time I didn't :((.So I'm writing a super long chap to reconcile with you...hope you all forgive me (>.>)

-Love Lucy

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