Chapter One| KitKat?

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Kaitlyn's POV

Moving to the opposite side of Australia was obviously a complete inconvenience for me to be honest. All my friends are back home, Alexa, Dorie, Tasha...
But obviously my mum and dad didn't really take my thoughts into consideration when they accepted their new jobs over here in Sydney.
Today is the first day of school. A new school with new people. I'll actually have to talk to people if I don't want to sit alone at lunch, jeez that would be embarrassing. Thankfully, I'm pretty sociable and not that shy.

I threw on a simple black top with blue skinny jeans and of course, converse shoes. I grabbed my school bag which was almost empty apart from a few broken pens and empty water bottles I had forgotten to throw out. I grabbed a pop tart as I said good morning and goodbye to my parents.

Here goes nothing.

The neighbourhood we moved to was actually quite nice. It was clean and filled with old people gardening and walking their yappy little dogs. If anything I seemed to like this place a bit better than back at home.

The school came into sight as I walked further down the road. The walk to school was simple and not that far away from my new house. A large sign stood tall in front of it which read; West Central Sydney High school. The school looked average, not too fancy and not a complete shambles.
I could feel eyes on me as I walked towards the reception near the front door of the school. I could feel people judging me which made me feel kinda vulnerable.

"Hey, Excuse me?" I quietly said to the women as I leaned against the reception desk. "I'm uh, new here"

The women dragged her eyes away from the computer screen and lay them on me. Her thin lips were pursed into a straight line until they curved into a gentle smile.

"Oh yes, em, Kaitlyn Terrence?" The women asked looking at me above her glasses.

"Yeah, that's me" I smiled back.

The women handed me a piece if paper I assumed to be my timetable as she pointed over to a girl with dirty blonde hair, standing beside a bulletin board.

"That girl over there is Ellie" the women said waving for the girl to come over. "She will guide you to your classes today"

The blonde girl jogged over towards me with a wide friendly smile spread across her face.

"Hi!" The girl exclaimed as she reached her hand out to shake mine."Kaitlyn, right?"

"Yeah, right" I laughed a little at her quirky personality.

"I'll take you to your first class, which I believe is English!" Ellie smiled as she shook my hand.

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"Ah the new girl, you must be Kaitlyn" the teacher I now knew was known as Mrs Drelm.

"Yeah" I shyly replied to Mrs Drelm.

"Please take a seat beside Ellie"

I sat down beside Ellie in my assigned seat and waited for a a bunch of boys to sit down so class could start, they sat at the back of the room laughing as they stumbled over to their seats. I didn't bother looking at their faces as they walked past. I grabbed a pen which was snapped in half out of my bag.

"Right, today we will be listening to the rest of the presentations you were all assigned to do" Mrs Drelm exclaimed as she tapped her pen against the wooden desk. "Luke Hemmings, you'll present yours first."

Luke Hemmings.

I snapped my head up as I heard the name of the person I've waited to see again for years. Luke, my old best friend, Luke.

The boy walked up to the front of the room with some blue cards. I could hear what I'm guessing was his friends laughing as Luke walked up to the front of the class.

He didn't seem to see me as he looked at everyone.

"Uh, I'm going to be doing my talk on the writing of Shakespeare and how it has affected the art of writing in the past centuries-" Luke started to read from his blue cards until he was interrupted by another boy.

"Shut up, Luke" the class laughed at the boy's comment and so did Luke as he blushed.

Oh god- I missed that laugh, and the way he would blush at the tiniest things.

"William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and-"
Luke's words came to a halt as he made eye contact with me during his talk.
Luke was silent as his eyes stared into mine, I could see no emotion within him.

"KitKat?" Luke said with a shaky voice.

Everyone in the class including Mrs Drelm turned to me and was staring right at me.

Luke dropped his cards and sprinted out of the class.

I found Luke. I found my Luke.

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