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Copyright Statement: I do not own any characters other than the one I made up (ClarissaBurkhardt). I do not own Harry Potter, nor the series, only the ideas which have been added in to the original storyline. I do, however, own this story. Plagiarizing is punishable by the law.

(This story is set in the sixth book- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)

I pressed down harder with the worn down piece of charcoal, creating dark, menacing lines on the wall. They stretched around the whole room, the walls my own personal canvas. Frantically shading in the drawing, my hand moved faster and faster along the wall till it began to ache, but I had to get the picture just right. I couldn't get it out of my head until it was out on the wall. 

Finally finished, my hand opened and the charcoal was released from my murderous grip, shattering when it hit the floor. I would have to ask them to bring me more the next time they brought me my meals. 

I stepped back to admire my work- a cluster of cliffs on the edge of a raging sea, exactly as I had dreamed it. A sharp rock stood out against the water, slicing through the sea. 

Suddenly exhausted, like I always was after one of the dreams, I fell to the ground on my hands and knees, gasping for air. Rolling over on my back, I pulled at my collar as I felt my lungs close up and my airways were nearly cut off. The only thing that got me through it was knowing that it would all be over soon and then I wouldn't be able to remember my dreams at all. That was the best part.

Black spots clouded my vision and I drifted off into fitful unconsciousness. 

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