Chapter 5

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"Master," Tsurumaru asked, filling his plate with food. "Have you heard from Mika-chan lately?"

"Not since last week," Izo replied, popping a cherry tomato into his mouth.

"It was only supposed to 3 month campaign," Izumino chimed in. "They should be returning sometime this week, correct?"

Izo shrugged. "It depends. If things continue on as they have, then yes, they should be back by..."

There was a loud pounding at the front door, cutting off the rest of Izo's sentence. The Swords around the dinner table exchanged looks, wondering if one of them should answer it. Luckily, a servant flitted across the dining room entrance on her way to see who it was. Everyone had started eating again when the first cries echoed through the hall.

Until this moment, Kogitsune had sat quietly, eating his food and pretending not to care about the most recent campaign news. In truth, he was desperate to know when Mikazuki would return. The last time he'd seen the Sword was in the garden. The same day Mikazuki had caught him and Hana having a picnic.

At the time, the intimate rendezvous had seemed like a wonderful idea. Kogitsune had already decided not to hide his relationship with Hana, since hiding it made it seem like they were doing something wrong. But then Mikazuki had stumbled upon their outdoor meal, watching from a distance as he and Hana shared their first kiss.

Kogitsune would never forget the look on Mikazuki's face. The male had tried to cover it up with a smile, but it had been too little too late. Kogitsune could see the pain and anguish swirling in the Sword's crystal blue eyes, watching in silence as all the light and life faded from their azure depths.

A twinge of guilt had slipped passed Kogitsune's defenses, and he'd promised himself that he would address the awkward situation with Mikazuki the first chance he got. Unfortunately, Mikazuki had left for the Edo campaign before Kogitsune had the chance to explain. For the past 2 months, 3 weeks and 4 days, Kogitsune had done nothing but replay that moment over and over in his mind. He knew why Mikazuki had left so suddenly, and so did everyone at the table...

Izo was out of his seat before Kogitsune could blink, everyone at the table rushing after him. By the time Kogitsune made it to the foyer, the entire household was there. He moved towards the front of the on-lookers, wondering what all the commotion was. He wasn't prepared for what he saw.

Suizaku stood beside her Sword, Nihongou. The female Saniwa sage was covered in dirt and grim, the scent of battle and death clinging to both her and her Sword. She spoke frantically to Izo, gesturing to Nihongou and the bundle he held in his massive arms. Kogitsune blinked in confusion, slowly recognizing that the bundle was actually a body.

"I brought him here as quickly as I could," Suizaku exclaimed. "If anyone can save him it's Hitoshi-sama!"

As if summoned by the mention of his name, the Healer appeared, shoving his way through the crowd.

"What's happened?" Hitoshi demanded, pulling his silver rimmed glasses from his pocket and putting them on.

"He's sick," Nihongou answered, staring mournfully down at the person in his arms. "His wound is infected. Our Healer says there ain't nothing to be done, but we thought you might be able to save him."

"Let me see," Hitoshi replied, unwrapping the blanket from around the unconscious male.

Nihongou adjusted the body so the Healer could get a better look. All the color drained from Hitoshi's cheeks.

"My god..." the Healer whispered, covering his mouth and nose to block out the putrid scent that filled the air. "Why was this wound not treated?" he demanded.

Suizaku wiped the tears from her cheeks, giving both Izo and the Healer an imploring look. "He never reported the injury," she replied. "No one even knew he was hurt until it was too late."

"Let's get him to the Healing room," Hitoshi ordered, exchanging an ominous look with Izo. "I'll see what I can do."

The Healer led the way, the crowd erupting into conversation the moment they'd disappeared from view.

"Quiet," Izo commanded, silencing the room in an instant. "All of you are to return to your tasks immediately."

"But Master," Tsurumaru began. "What about...?"

"That was not a request," Izo snapped.

The crowd dispersed, but Kogitsune couldn't seem to make his feet move. He stared at the spot where Nihongou had held Mikazuki's withered and broken body.

Izo appeared at his side, resting his hand on Kogitsune's shoulder. "Mikazuki is strong," he said, his tone confident despite the horrid stench of Mikazuki's wound still lingering in the air. "And Hitoshi is the best Healer in the Order. We mustn't lose hope."

"I did this," Kogitsune whispered. "He left because of me."

"This isn't your fault," Izo said firmly. "If anyone is to blame it's me. I thought the time away would do him some good. Help him get over you. I should've known better. I should've recognized the signs."

"He smells like death," Kogitsune said, his Master's words giving him no comfort. "The rot has set in, probably seeped into his bones by now. It's only a matter of time before the poison floods his veins."

"You don't know that."

"But I do," Kogitsune replied, staring at his Master through the watery veil of his tears. "And so do you. Mikazuki will be dead before the day is done."

The Break-Up {Kogitsunemaru + Mikazuki} Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora