Requests Info

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You can request any Hetalia ship you want me to rate and review.


These are MY opinions!

If I dislike your OTP, or like your NOTP, don't get mad! It's my personal opinion, and it will probably differ from yours. Remember, these are all fictional characters, there's nothing to fight about!

Also keep in mind, if I say I hate a ship, that doesn't necessarily mean I hate the people who do ship it! I think people should be allowed to ship whatever they want, even if I don't like it. So if I hate your OTP, that doesn't mean I hate you! (Unless you start hating me for it and yell at me and insult my ships, then I may start hating you. But not because you ship a ship, it'll because you're an asshole :3)

So please, respect others opinions. Again, these are just fictional characters.

And with that, please request ships, and I'll give my honest opinion on them. You can request one ship or multiple, I'll try to get to all of them!

My Opinions On Hetalia ShipsWhere stories live. Discover now