Chapter 5

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AN: Hey Guys, thank you so much for all the reviews! I really appreciate all the kind supported, and if anyone have any ideas on how to improve my writing, please let me know!

P.S. Sorry for the long wait, lets just stay I have really bad procrastination skills. I know, that's a terrible excuse, but its the truth.


My-my mother. How am I ever going to face her now? I can't tell her I know, she would just question how I found out. Even if I do tell her, she might just get angry with me and go into her control freak mode or she might just brush it off and not answer me. Either way, She won't listen to a thing I have to say on the subject.

Nagisa started pacing around in circles, murmuring to himself, trying to come up with a plan. Strangers walking by must have thought he was some kind of lunatic and stared clear of him.

"Honey, stay away from the strange child." One woman said while taking her child's hand and pull her away from the crazy man.

"What is wrong with kids these days." A man muttered under his breath.

Nagisa didn't seem to notice any of these comments though, he was far to deep in his thoughts.

After a few more minutes of thinking, Nagisa finally snapped out of said state.

Okay, I just need to play it cool and not mention anything to her. It's probably better this way anyway. If I questioned her on it, she would just ask to many questions that I wouldn't be able to answer without giving up The E-class secret.

After Nagisa had made up his mind, he started to walk down the road again. Nagisa walked along the road in silence, in a few more minutes, he reached his house.

He paused as he reached the front door.

Just open the door and act normal.

Nagisa gently pushed the door open.

"Welcome home from school Nagisa."

Nagisa, with a giant simile planted on his face, responded to his mother, " Hello mother, how are you today."

"Nagisa, is anything wrong?"

I really need to work on my deceptive skills...

"No mom, I had a great day," Nagisa started to back up and walk slowly towards the stairs,"we'll, if you don't need me, I'll, be up stairs in my room."

"Nagisa..." His mother trailed off, giving him a skeptical look.

"Mom, I promise, I'm fine."

"Okay, if your sure," Nagisa mom sounded reluctant to let him, but agreed non-the-less.

Nagisa walked up the stairs quietly, when he reach the top and was invisible to his mother's view, he quickly ran into his room and shut the door behind him.

That was harder then I thought, how am I ever going to keep this up? Mom definitely suspects something too. Nagisa sighed. Whatever, it's been a long day and I'm so tired. I'll just take a little nap before dinner and clam my thoughts. My head feels like it's pounding.

Nagisa crawled into bed and set his alarm to a couple minutes before dinner time. With that, he laid down and fell asleep soundly.


The Next Day

When Nagisa woke up the next morning, the sun was shinning, the birds were singing, everything was clam and peaceful. Nagisa was calm and felt at peace.

At that moment, he remembered. He looked out the window and one thought came to mind.

Great, the universe just loves to tease me, doesn't it.

With that thought, Nagisa got up and started to get ready for school. He grabbed his uniform form his closet and got changed sluggishly. After he decided he looked presentable enough for school, he went down stairs to get breakfast ready.

While he was preparing breakfast, his mother came down.

"How are you feeling today Nagisa?" Said woman question while sitting down at the table.

"Much better today mom," Nagisa lied through his teeth," I think I just needed a good nights sleep."

"Well that's good I guess."

Nagisa let out a sigh of relief.

"So what are you making?" His mom questioned.

"Eggs and toast."

After that the conversation stopped, and Nagisa finished the food in silence. When he finished, he brought the food to the table and they ate in silence.

Nagisa mother glanced at her watch.

"Nagisa, you better get going or else you'll be late for school."

At that, Nagisa cleaned his plate, grabbed his bag, and went out the door.

"See you after school mom!" Nagisa called out as he was leaving.

"Have a good day." His mother responded.

With that, Nagisa closed the door behind him, and started walking to school.

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