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Dean and I went to Lilly's Big Bar at the corner of Kilnood street in downtown Arizona. 

I was watching him get drunk and frankly it was quite amusing until he... well lets just say he confessed his obsessive love to me through song.  Here's how it all began. 

We were walking towards the bar,(we had left Sam at the bunker, because he was sick with the "Flu.") Dean held the door open for me with a slight blush across his face. 

"Thank you Dean." I said gruffly.

"Yeah no problem." He said and pushed passed me to get to the bar. I looked suprised. Dean didn't act like this when we were at the bunker. In fact he acted much stranger. But in a nice way, not in the rude way he just mentioned right there.  I stared at him for a second before heading to the bar and sitting next to him.  "uhhhgghhh two beers and what do you want Cas?" Dean looked over at me. 

I raised my eyebrows, "Just a small, light beer." I mumbled. 

"And what he said." Dean finished.  The busty blonde bartender who I felt bad for for reasons I'm not going to say, but anyways she smiled and nodded, turning around and grabbed three frosty beers and two glasses. 

"Here you go boys." she said her tone smooth. 

"Hey, where you from sweetheart?" Dean began to flirt but today I was not going to have it. 

I pulled him by his collar and whispered in his ear, "If you are going to ditch me yet again to yet another whore I swear upon my Fathers cross I will..." 

"Calm down Cas, if its a girl you want, I'll find you a girl." Dean said, beer already on his breath. He scanned the room until he saw a blonde girl with blue eyes who was dancing with another dark brown girl with dark brown eyes.  "You go for the blonde chick I'll go for the brunnette." Dean said wiping his mouth.  I nodded but  I didn't know what he meant. 

"Are we attacking or loving?"I asked.

"Loving.. looooovvvving!" Dean growled playfully as he walked up to the brunette and pulled her to his side.  She raised an eyebrow. 

"Hey there sweetheart mind if me and my friend join you and your lovely friend over there?"Dean purred. The blonde looked me up and down and smiled.  She was wearing a flannel shirt that was tied up to show her stomach and really short shorts that were ripped. She reminded me of Dean, in a way I sorta didn't mind. 

"Come here baby." she winked at me and held out a hand. 

The brown haired girl was way different, she was wearing a light brown leather jacker with a white button up shirt and a tie.  She also had shorts but they had little angel wings on the back of them.   

-----------------------(hours later)


This chick was innocent to the max! And I felt sooo good destroying every last bit of it. 

Her kisses were sweet and innocent too... like candied apple pie.  

She was sitting on my lap when I looked over to see her friend Natasha.. (thats the blonde's name) Having the time of her life with my MY Cas.  Wait what do I care, I've got the female version right here... and her name is Crissy. 

But I hated the way she was playing with his hair when she kissed him... I HATED the way she screwed up his tie... and I HATED just HATED that the fact that he loved every minute of it! 

"CAS!" I yelled. Crissy looked up in suprise I gave her the don't worry smile.  

Natasha stopped her teasing and looked up, irritated. 

Cas looked at me, with a goofy smile. 

"Yes, Dean what is it?"

"Uhhh I want more..." what the hell will get me drunk enough for me to say I love you?

"Vodka I need more Vodka, and whiskey!" I said smiling. Natasha groaned and Cas frowned. 

"Vodka makes you puke." He said carefully. 

"Then... I want five purple nurples!" I demanded remembering the college drink.

"Dan, you're not in college anymore, grow the hell up." Natasha growled.

'Its Dean love. " Cas corrected her. 

"I don't think he cares about you enough to care what you want." Natasha ignored Cas's remark.  Anger boiled inside me, so I began to drink the rest of my beer. And then I blacked out. 

(Drunk Dean)

This chick insane!  She doesn't love him like I do! I love Cas and I'm gonna prove it!  I stood up, without realizing Crissy was still on me. She fell off with a thud and I walked up to the bar, grabbing a microphone as I went. 

"Hey DJ can you, *hic* please *buuurrp* ecxuse me, sorry bout that, can you please put on She's my Cherry Pie?" I spazzed. 

"Sure thing dude, you're awesome!" The dj said to me and I smiled. 

The song began playing and I stood up on the bar and began singing, 

"HE'S MY CHERRY PIE! Tastes so sweet make a grown man cry! " I sang along pointing to Cas, who blushed bright red, he took ahold of Natasha's  beer and drank it in one gulp.  And he slammed it down and held his arm up and said loudly.

"I'm his cherry pie!*hic*  YEAH!" 

Natasha psshed and left Cas to watch me be totally sexy and awesome.. singing to my true angel.

My Cas, you touch him, I'm gonna take him back with force. 

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