Sabriel...Stuck Together...Forever?

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(Listen to the song Lollipop loves gonna get cha down.)


I was just minding my own buisness licking my lollipop, when I noticed Sam walking towards an abandoned lake house.  And boy was he hot. I mean if my lollipop was ice cream, it would've melted because of his hotness. What can I say, I had the sweets for him.  I zapped in front of him, sucker in mouth and a handsome grin on my face. Sam seemed startled by my being there because he jumped back, dropping his bag. 

"What the hell Gabriel?"He said. 

"Oh whats wrong moosey? Can't I ever see what you're doing?" I asked, pretending to be innocent. 

"Shut up Gabe, I'm working." Sam said  bending over to pick up his bag. 

"Mmmmhmm boy I could use some of that." I said, his rear end being quite present in my veiw. 

"What?"he asked, his face getting red as he stood back up. 

"Nothing candysweet, its just the view. Its nice." I laughed. 

Sam glared at me his face burning red. 

"What?" I shrugged. 

"You are the most despicable angel I have ever met!"Sam snapped and turned a heel the other way.

"Ooooo I like it when your fiesty, come on sugar give me more." I said leaning in. 


I felt that smack across the face. I'll tell you that boy can hit. 

"Ouchy. Sammy that hurt!!" I whinned. 

"Shut up Gabe, only Dean can call me Sammy."Sam huffed. 

"Oh did you just give me a nickname? Oh goodygoody!"I said my face still stinging. 

"You want another one?" Sam warned.

"Yes please." I chirped.

Sam rolled his eyes in disgust and opened the cabin door. I followed him in and made sure the door wouldn't open again. My treat. 

"Uh oh Sammy." I said making a pouty lip.

"What, Gabriel what did you do?"Sam said walking towards the door.

I shurgged. "I did nothin." I said. 

"Sure.." he mused and went to open the door. 

"God DAMN IT GABRIEL!!" he raged.  I smiled. 

"You shouldn't say the Lord's name in vain!" I said tuned. 

"Shut the hell up, how are we getting out?" Sam said.

"Easy, we aren't." I said. 

"So I'm stuck with you?" Sam glared at me.

"Yupper. Stuck with me foreva!"I said in an accent.

Sam groaned and plopped on the couch.  I offered him a chocolate bar, 

"Want one? It'll ease the stress."I said.

He smacked it out of my hand. I put a hand to my chest and looked offended but I wasn't.  I went into the bedroom to plan how I was gonna make this handsome fool fall for me in one night.  Which wasn't gonna be a piece of cake if you know what I mean. 



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My face kept burning and burning.. I felt it getting hotter and hotter.  I was literally stuck in worse case scenario.  I didn't know I was gonna be bisexual.  I found out after Jessica died.  I sure as hell wasn't gonna tell Dean, thought I'm totally sure he's gay.   But something about Gabriel gets me on and I hate it.  He's messing with my head and its working.  I don't know maybe... maybe for just one night... 

No. I have to.. eh shit I'm screwed, one move on me and I'm done. 

---------------End of part one--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(K guys im gonna do a part two... so let me get some feedback.. Im also gonna do destiel... lol)

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