Castiel X Reader.

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You and Dean were at a bar and Sam was supposed to meet you guys there in an hour.  Dean was on his third shot so you decided you were the designated driver.  You sat next to Dean as he flirted with the bartender, but you easily got bored.  So you got up and walked outside to get some fresh air.  To the right of the bar was a small diner. The sign said open so you smiled and walked towards the diner, in hope of some real food, rather than the crap they served at the bar for free.  You walked in and the place smelled of burgers and apple pie.   You sighed happily and took a seat at the counter.  The waitress looked up from wiping down the counter and smiled.  

" What can I get for you hun?"  she said kindly. 

" Can I get a hamburger, and fries, with a cherry coke please?"  you asked with your sweetest tone. 

" Sure hun. Rough night?" she asked, writing down the order and handing it to the cook on the other side of the window. 

"Yeah, I guess. My friend is about to get drunk at the bar next door. Luckily his brother is comming, but I didn't want to be there when he does.  He has a bone to pick with him."  you said, frowning, remembering Sam telling you about how Dean is screwing up their hunt with boos and girls. 

" Aww don't worry bout nothin hun.  They'll work it out, I'm sure. "  The waitress said, cleaning out a cup. 

" I hope so, but it will probably end up being the same way it always does. Sam will get there when Dean is already drunk, Sam will try to talk to him, then Dean will say something dumb and then they will get into a fight, first verbal where feelings will get hurt, then someone's gonna throw a punch." you sigh, thinking of all the fights you had to break up.

" Oh those kind of brothers.  I'm sorry hun.  You gotta live with em?"  she asked.

" Yes mam' e  I do. And its just as much as a blessing as it is of a curse." you said, as she set a tall glass of cherry coke in front of you. 

You sipped it carefully and smiled, loving the taste. 

" Well how bout this, would you like some pie after your diner? Its on the house. You seem to be going through alot for such a young sweetheart as yourself."  the waitress said, a warm smile on her face.

" Oh thanks. You don't have to-" you began but the waitress waved her hand,

" Jerry, get this girl some apple pie when she' s done with her meal!"  she called into the kitchen

" Can I at least get your name?" you asked.

" Helen, dear.  Don' t you worry about the meal either."  she said kindly. 

You nodded and sipped more of the cola and then she set a hot plate in front of you.  

" You want some ketchup with your fries hun?" Helen asked.

" Yes please."  You said, loving the hospitality. 

Suddenly the door opened and you saw Cas walking in. 

" Cas what in God's name are you doing here?" you ask, suprised that the angel was here. 

" I heard your prayer. "  he said gruffly and sat down next to me.

His eyes got big and round when he saw the hamburger on your plate.

" May I have a bite?" he asked, hopefully. 

You laughed and held out your burger to him and he leaned in and took a bite. 

His eyes seemed to smile as he chewed and swalloed.  

" I love these things. They make me very happy."  he said.  You giggled and took a bite yourself. 

" Who' s this? One of the brothers?"  Helen asked, her eyebrow raised. 

" No, Helen. This is Castiel, he's a good friend of mine." You said, smiling.

" I see.  Well Cas, what would you like to drink?"  Helen asked.

" Water please." Cas said, politely. 

"Water. Sure!"  Helen said happily and went in the back. 

Cas smiled as I took another bite.  

" Y/n did you see that?"  Cas asked and pointed behind him. 

" What, where?" you ask and then looked down to see Cas went to take another bite of your burger. 

" Cas! What are you doing?? You didn't even get me to look away from you!"  you said laughing.

Cas covered his mouth, his eyes full of guilt. 

" I didn't do anything. " he mumbled, his mouth full of food. 

" uhhuh sure. " you mused. 

His blue eyes glinted in mischief.  " Can I have another bite?" Castiel asked.

" Uh no!  You just had one!" you giggled. 

" No I did nothing of the sort."  he laughed. 

"Here have some fries. " you said pushing your plate towards him so he would stay away from your burger. 

"Okay. The fried potatos seem nice to eat as well." Cas shrugged. He grabbed two fries and dipped them in the ketchup.  " Mmmm these are good too!" he said. 

When you finished your dinner, Helen came out with two steaming slices of apple pie with whip cream on top.  

" Would you like some coo wwwhip?"  I asked in an accent and dabbed some of the sweet cream on his nose. 

" Thats not how you say it." he said slowly. 

" Its from a- nevermind." you said, and smiled. 

"You ate the pie together and talked of previous hunts.

" I remember when Dean screamed like a little girl at a cat."  you laughed remembering how Dean was afraid of everything that time.

" That would seem very amusing.  I remember I had to interragate a cat. I almost cracked him, but Dean said we had to go.  He was very interesting, that cat."  Cas said, smiling. 

I looked at the clock, it read, 12:30pm. 

"Hey Cas, we should get going back to the bar."  you said, sighing.  Dean needs a ride and Sam was in no mood to come hom with us, meaning I will have to come back for a very drunk Sam later in the morning. 

" You seem troubled." Cas said, interupting your thoughts.

" Yeah, Dean and Sam are probably in a fight right now." you sigh. 

" You should relax before going into a situation like that." he said carefully. 

" How? " you ask.

" Well uhhh I'm not sure at the moment but you have whip cream on your face."  Cas said.

" Where?"

" I'll get it."  he said and kissed my cheek. 

I gasped as he had a grin on his face, though he was blushing.

" Got it." he said.

" You missed though." you said, pretending to be sad.

" What do you mean I got the whip cream." he said confused.

You leaned in and kissed him full on the lips and whispered, " Got it." 

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