(28) Wedding Plans?

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Axel's point of view

She told me she didn't love me. Did I believe her? No, who couldn't love all of this. So maybe I am a little too in love with myself. I've never had trouble with women before. Trinity was the only girl that I've had troubles with. My mission was to get close to her and when she trusts me completely to betray her.

I'm the mole that's supposed to leak out secrets and take down the mental daughter. Is she really as crazy as I was taught? No, she's crazier but in a good way. I was ordered to make her fall in love with me so I could get close to her for Mr. Winters. I decided I'm not going to be the mole I was supposed to be but an ally instead.

Nathaniel Winters is nothing but an evil monster who is hell bent on destruction. So why does he give a damn about his daughter who he wouldn't even recognize? What makes her so special?

My phone vibrates and I look to see its my dad. I don't answer. He wants information and I have none to give him. I'm not going to play the part they want me to in this game. I'm on the opposing side. A triple agent! I'm going to stay on good terms with my father while giving him no useful information. I'll get info from him and tell Trinity what they're planning.

So why do I still want to be involved with her? I'm not trying to get close to her to hurt her anymore so why do I feel the need to be with her? Could this be love? I laugh at the thought. Nah.


Trinity's point of view

Surprise surprise! Hedge ended up falling asleep with me and guess who found us. Yep, you guessed right Twinkie! She went off on Hedge for ten minutes and then stormed off. She knows better, I would never try to get with Hedge. He's just a baby. Okay so maybe 16 isn't necessarily a baby age, but to me it is. After Twinks ran away, upset, Hedge ran after her. Good luck my little chicks.

"Rin!" Zane appears in the lobby. Awh I've missed him.

"Zane!" I run up to him and give him a hug. He hugs me back but it doesn't last long before he pulls away.

"I brought Victoria with me." He gushes as she enters the room. She's beautiful and that's the only word I can come up with. She wears casual clothes but when she wears them they look classy. How does she do that? Her short brown hair frames her face and her lips are painted red. She wears glasses but fashion ones I don't even think she needs glasses.

"Rin!" She hugs me and I give her an awkward squeeze. She called me a whore the other day and now she's pretending she likes me. Well, alright maybe she does like me...a little bit.

"Hello Vicky." I smile the best I can. Sure Victoria treats Zane like a prince and she's perfect for him but sometimes she says things that are rude. She doesn't have a filter and tells people what she's thinking. I like her and all but I can only handle so much of her.

"You could be so much prettier if you put on more makeup Rin."

There it is! Her honest opinionated self.

"I like the way I am right now Vic. I'm not planning on going anywhere so why should I dress up?"

"Well you do live with a bunch of guys, so I thought you would like to look good for them." She smiles with no ill intent.

"Okay one, I don't look good for anybody but myself and two I'm not living here to get into the guys pants. I have no interest in anyone here because they're family." I glance at Zane and he's giving me a look. You know the look that says you told me something last night. Dang why did I have to call him?

"Sorry geez calm down. I was just saying." Vicky looks upset.

"She didn't mean any of it babe. She's just in a bad mood because she's hungover." Zane covers for me.

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