Dark horse : 1

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She looked up at the sky which has changed from the happy pale blue into a dark angry grey colour, her eyes fluttered close as she took a long breathe, inhaling the nice earthy scent the ground elicites. Nice chilly air blew through the white thin drape, it moves around the noiseless room in an elegant sway. It's as if afraid of making a sound that could disturb the peaceful moment she is in.

Her deep brown orbs opens as she stared abstractedly at the rode of the window, watching as the little Amy of ants move in a straight line. For a minute there it gave her a sense of happiness. To watch them move about, stopping to greet one another, it shows that even animals know the feeling of companionship, love and friendship.

But what's more confusing, or rather nerve wracking is to have humans with the tendency of inflicting pain on one another. Those that have been gifted with a brain to think logically, a mind to know what's good and what's not, a heart to bear love and sympathy, those same people are the ones that extort pain, they feed off one's suffering. Laugh at one's failure even after the logical mind they possess.

Tasnim couldn't believe that she was a victim. Nay, she wouldn't extract herself from destiny. Nor would she say something of such could never happen to her because it did and that is what has broken her.

Months ago if someone told her that she was going to be heartbroken -- which would lead her to been admitted into a hospital, she would have never believed that person. She would go to any length, use everything in her to deny such accusation.

But here she lay on a trundle with various machine wired to her like a mere lab rat. Rather than to feel the pain of the needles attached to her body, it is the flesh which has been wronged that feels the pain.

The heart.

It feels like it has been torn with force, the pain is nothing she has ever experienced before.

Is that how been heartbroken feels? She wonders if her heart has been torn from the inside, cause the pain is so much more than just an emotional distress, it feels physical also.

Her fingers traced unconsciously at the lines drawn on the cotton quilt. Angry tears brimmed at the sides of her eyes. She felt weak, ashamed of showing weakness.

She wished her heart would have been strong, she wished it would have been made of steel, that way nothing can penetrate through it. No feelings can be caught and no betrayal can cause it pain.

Her head slowly quirked up as she heard the lucid voice of her best friend Shaheeda, who voiced out in a concern tone bringing her out of her reverie .

Shaheeda moved closer to her, sitting carefully in the tiny bed so that she wouldn't make any move that could cause her friend any discomfort, she took Tasnim's hand in hers, gently caressing the back of her hand which has a cannula poking her vein.

" you shouldn't let what happened destroy you Tasnim. You heard what the doctor said dai. Those thoughts shouldn't be on your mind at the moment. Think of your health mana, do you think the person whom you have been here because of cares about your well-being?, if he did you wouldn't be here in the first place. So forget about them, put that thought at the very back of your mind manta da su they aren't worth you wasting your tears ".

Shaheeda spoke up in a mildly tone, using her thumb to wipe away the tears that caressed her friend's cheek. Tasnim nodded slowly, winching a little at the pain that shot through the back of her head.

Shaheeda is telling her the truth, she knows it but still. The betrayal won't Leave her mind, she can't forget it, even if she tries it won't Leave her. It would still stay on her mind, taunt her. What adds more to her pain is the images, that are one of the things that destroyed her.

It's one thing to hear about a betrayal but it's another to see the proof. The worst of all is being betrayed by someone she loves.

" help me forget " came her cracky voice which sounded low but was audible to the ears of her friend.

Shaheeda leaned and reached for the Qur'an laid on the nightstand, she placed it on Tasnim's laps before moving to go take the hijab hung inside the chest.

" read the Holy Qur'an and all your worries shall go away by the will of Allah " she advised.

She willed her eyes to not let the tears that brimmed around them fall, as she started reciting the Qur'an in the most melodious voice she could muster, second by second as she reads the verses ,the heavy feeling stamped on her heart started to reduce. The aching in her heart started vanishing by the second as something invincible blocks the worrisome thoughts on her mind.

A pleasant content symphony of colourful emotions circled around her, wrapping her up in a cocoon. She felt happy, contended and at a state of peace. It surely is true when it's said that the Qur'an is the cure to every illness. To some certain degrees it cured her, filled her bruised heart with a sense of joy. The memories are there with her but she felt numb to their pain, she could see them clearly playing in her eyes but still felt nothing.

The memories of what happened two days ago was still and would still be fresh on her mind. Maybe when time goes by they might vanish rather than being a hassle to her existence. Perhaps there would be a time where those memories won't hurt to remember, where tears won't fall whenever she thought of them. Maybe just maybe there would be such time but she is sure it won't be today, tomorrow or the day after.

Tasnim wasn't sure what was more hurting , is it that her boyfriend of two years cheated on her or was it that he did it with her blood sister, Fadila. Although they never get along with Fadila, she still viewed her as a sibling, someone who would be the one to support her during her worst times but rather she had been the one to cause her pain. Pain of watching the thing you have loved the most turning his back on you and planning on forming a life time with your sister. The type of life you had planned together, to see it happening but with a sibling of yours. Hence, why the pain is unbearing.

Tasnim felt the pain of their backstab, it felt physical, as if she was physical stabbed at her back continuously, at least they should have come clean with their intentions, yes it wouldn't end well on her side but rather than to have so much resentment towards them, it would have been for a week or so before she finally accepts her qadr and moves on-- if it would ever be possible to move on from that.



Soo I'm bringing this book back , but I have made a lot of changes because the previous one was wack. So I hope you'll enjoy this one.

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