Partons!! pt.2

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*Everybody says at the same time* HEY!

janae:Haha y'all sound like a choir right prod!?

Prod:*Looks up sadly*Yeah sure!

Janae:*looks at everyone awkwardly they start walking toward the doors of Walmart*

Ray:*pulls janae back* You'll have to excuse he's a little mama's boy*

Janae:Awwww!*everyone goes to candy aisle & pick up bags & bags of candy*

Whitney: OMG all this candy it'll last y'all until November!

Aleah:Ikr! come on y'all my feet hurt!

Prince:Ok ok!! lets go check out

Roc: all this is gonna come out to be 100's of dollars!

Hailey:Imma pay for this Y'all know I got that Cheddar!

Ray:yea between your toes!

*Everybody laughs*

Janae:Yoooo! you gonna let him get you like that get him!!!!!!

Hailey:I'm not worried about rat face!

Whitney:*clutching stomach from laughing so hard*



Princeton:Hahaah rat face!

Ray:*smacks teeth*she not even funny!

Prod:*Finally joins in on the fun* y'all are some hilarious people!! :)

Ray:can we go check out now?!

Hailey: sure rat face!

*Everyone tries to hold in laughter*


*They check out their candy which cane out to be $89.38 Hailey pays & they all walk out & joking around & everyone goes to their cars getting ready for the 10 hour Florida drive!!!*

*Janae & Prod*

Janae: Moonwalker are you ready?!*she says in British accent*

Prod:You don't sound British at all! Haha

Janae:Your jealous of me!:)

Prod: Sure I am!

*3 hours later*

janae:*looks over at prod thinks to herself He looks so sad this is so uncomfortable*

Hailey:*Thinks to janae try to comfort him!*

Janae:*Thinks to Hailey I don't know what to say you know me when someone is sad I leave them alone until their out of their funk & feel like talking*

Aleah:*Thinks to Janae You have to talk so he can feel comfortable & forget about being homesick*

Janae:*Thinks to Aleah Ugh I'll try*

Janae:Moonwalker?? are you ok?

Prod:is that s new new nickname for me?

Janae:yeah it is!

Prod:LOL but I'm ok .

Janae: No your not your feeling homesick & you scared ! listen to me these 2 months are gonna be over like that*snaps fingers* & I understand you being scares but we have it all under control We WILL protect y'all!

Prod:I believe you its just unsettling to know undead people want our blood!

Janae: I understand

Prod: Everything is just happening so fast! I can't even analyze it! Like I'm going to be a Vampire I can will never die that's crazy!

Janae: It is but you gotta do what you gotta do to protect yourself one your a newborn vampire they'll have nothing in y'all, yall be much stronger than them then y'all can go back to your regular lives!

Prod: yeah I guess I'm going to sleep

janae: Okay Moonwalker!

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