Do you believe us now??!!

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A/N YYYYYYOOOOO do you guys like it I'm not really liking it that much but I'm going to finish the story!


*Aleah,Janae,Whitney,& Hailey fangs pop out & Janae is the only one who's eyes glow red the rest eyes glow purple*



Prod:OH S@#*!


janae: Calm down burrito ain't nobody gonna do you anything !

Roc: what do you want with us!

Aleah: your lives are in our hands!

Prod,Roc,Ray&Prince:WHAT??!! HOW!?

Ray: this isn't making sense!!

Hailey: Let us elaborate to you! ok so they're these really evil, sadistic vampires The Williams family who want you & your blood!


Aleah:No your not were here to protect y'all!

Hailey: that's why we had to become friends with y'all!

Prince:so your saying if y'all weren't vampires y'all wouldn't be friends with us HURTFUL!

Whitney: No but we wouldn't rush into our friendship like we had to do to save time!

Prod: save time for what

hailey: The Williams are coming for y'all in the next 2 months which is the next full moon.

Aleah: we have to protect you so we became friends & to tell y'all if we wouldn't have told y'all they will come out of nowhere bite you & y'all be evil vampires for eternity!

Ray:Yo this is some Twilight stuff!

Whitney: This is real life!!

Roc: what are we suppose to do now!

Hailey:Do not I repeat DO NOT GO ANYWHERE AT NIGHT are without calling me,janae,Whitney are Aleah!

Aleah: but then you wont have to because we'll know where your at even if you don't tell us!


janae:Well for one thing we have mental telapapathy! & we vision what's gonna happen in the future & present!

Ray:like Edward's sister on Twilight?!


Prince: I'm scared!

Janae: If I were you I would be to the Williams are ruthless!!!

Aleah:*smacks Janae's arm* That's noway to help!

janae:OUCH! I'm being honest!

Prod:Janae why your eyes a different color from everyone else!?

Janae:*thinks to the girls*AW SNAP HE NOTICED!!

Whitney:*thinks to the girls*Just tell them!

Janae: Confession time!!! I use to be a William's!!!!


Ray:what chu mean "use to"!

Janae:Don't do that to mean I've changed you can trust that I wont drink your blood!

Prince:Well I wasn't thinking it but Thanks for putting it into my head!!

Roc:Explain janae!

Janae:My stepdad was a Williams until my mom divorced him & got back with my dad wierd right!

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