Authors Note!

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Hey dolls!

I am so so so so sorry for being a shit person and being slow with updates for 'Lucy' shit has been so hectic and if y'all read my other stories, you'll know that they haven't been updated for a while.
I do apologise but I am currently doing writing courses which should lead me to uni to pursue my dreams. I've been drowning in so much homework and pressure to write out of my comfort zone (Adam and Tommy are my comfort zones)

I didn't think it'd be a problem but then I'd stare at the paper and get frustrated, I have been set to write about a particular time and event during WW2 and because I am so used of writing about Adam and Tommy, building up a fictional plot about their lives, I have been getting nowhere with writing about a certain event.

I get the craziest ideas for stories but the only way I can write them, is if they're about Adam, Tommy or related around them. My teachers have noticed it and they are putting their foot down on me adding Adam's  name into the story.... They don't even realise how much pressure this is putting on me and it's doing my head in!

Okay, so I think I should shut up now :') but thank you guys for being so patient with waiting for new updates, chapter 5 is almost done but won't be uploaded for a few days due to lack of Internet because our wifi at home is down (again) and I need to be careful not to go over my data limit 😂

Updates should be more constant around April time, I promise!! Love you all so much and thank you again for never giving up on my shitty updates 💕💞


 Lucy †Tommy Joe Ratliff Fanfiction†Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt