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Tommy sat at the end of Lucy's hospital bed, watching her peacefully sleep.

"Hey, brought you a coffee." Adam smiled softly as he walked towards Tommy. Tommy smiled as he took the coffee from Adam. Adam sat down next to Tommy. "How is she?" Adam asked softly.

"She's stronger than me, I give her that much." Tommy chuckles softly, not showing his emotions, even though Adam could see the pain.

"She'll get through this, I bet she will." Adam says softly, taking a drink from his latte. "When is she allowed to leave?"

"They're not sure, she's not in a state to leave, she's too weak and they want to do surgery but they don't want to risk it." Tommy sighs softly. "I can't lose her, Adam, she's my whole world."

"I know she is but you need to be strong for her, she needs her father."

"How am I going to pay for the bills, Adam? I can't afford it." Tommy groans, holding his head in his hands. Adam felt so bad for Tommy.

"I'll help." Adam speaks, Tommy's head lifted.

"No, don't you dare." Tommy groans. "I haven't even know you for that long, you can't." Tommy sighed, standing to his feet.

"Tommy, I don't care, it's for a good cause and you're already my closest friend." Adam sighed.

"If I'm such a close friend, why did you hide what Sauli did from me? I know we already had this talk but Adam, I really expected you to tell me."

"Tommy, I didn't want you to find out through me. I only found out a day before you did..." Adam sighed. Tommy felt a pain of regret form inside.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be biting your head off." He groans softly.

"Don't be sorry." Adam smiles warmly. He sat down next to Tommy. "I can understand the pain, I lost someone close to me due to stupid actions." He sighed.

"I want to go out and get Lucy a present. She's been so strong." Tommy says quietly. He stood up and kissed his daughter on the forehead. He hated seeing her like this, attached to so many machines.

"Alright." Adam smiles. "Did you want me to come?" Tommy nodded as they left the room. They left the hospital and Adam offered to take Tommy to the mall.


"When is Lucy's birthday?" Adam questions as he bites into his burger. We decided to get some food, decent food instead of the gross hospital food.

"March 25th." I reply. I was poking my food. I didn't have much of an appetite yet I didn't want the food to go to waste.

"That's less than a month ago. Are you doing anything for her?"

"Try and keep her alive." I reply with bitter tone. It wasn't intentional. "Sorry, did not mean it to come out like that."

"Don't be sorry." He smiles gently. "You not hungry?" He frowns looking towards me.

"Not really. Sorry, I didn't mean to waste your money like that."

"You say sorry a lot." Adam laughs. "It's just money. Just paper." He laughs again.

"I don't normally get take out. Been on a tight budget lately."

"Well, I'm always here if you need help, financially."

"Thank you for the offer but I can't just ask you for money when I'm struggling. I've made it this far haven't  I?"

"Yes but with Lucy in hospital, you'll need the extra money. I can't expect you to start a tour with Lucy like this."

I went to deny his offer again until my phone started ringing. I take it from my pocket and answer.

"Thomas Ratliff speaking."

"Mr Ratliff, it's Doctor Wyatt. I'm calling to tell you that you need to get to the hospital immediately. Lucy has been rushed to ICU."

"What? What happen!?"

"I'm afraid I can't talk about it over the phone."

"Okay, I'll be there asap. Thank you."

"Everything okay?" Adam asks as I shove my phone back into my pocket and standing up quickly.

"Lucy is in ICU." I say quickly.

"Okay, calm down. Did they say why?"

"No." I snap. "Can we please go?"

"Yeah of course."


"Mr Ratliff, come with me please." Dr Wyatt says quietly. Adam and I walk into his office.

"What's going on? What's wrong with Lucy?" I say in a hurry.

"You may want to take a seat." He replies with remorse.

"I'm not sitting down! Tell me what's wrong with my fucking baby!" I yell.

"There was nothing we could do. I'm sorry for your loss."

"So-sorry for my loss?" I say, my bottom lip started trembling. "SORRY FOR MY LOSS?" I scream suddenly. My whole body trembled.

"Hey, it's okay." Adam says quietly.

"I-I want to see her." I cry. "I want to see my baby."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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