"Who knows. What do they know?" I say soothingly while rubbing my hand across her back.

"M-My parents know I-I'm pregnant." I stumbled with her words through her shakey breath.

"Who told you that?"

"Mike. They found the photo we gave him yesterday." She answered.

"Well maybe we can tell them it's a joke an-"

"Ezra! It's too late!" She said angrily. She got up and grabbed her purse and phone.

"Where are you going?" I got up.

"I'm going to pick Mike up. He ran out of the house so dad wouldn't yell at him." She ended the last word with a sniff.

"Let me drive." I said grabbing my wallet and keys as we headed out the door.


Ella pov

I walk into our bedroom with the ultrasound in hand, prepared to tell Byron the news I just found out. He's laying on the bed reading a magizine.

"Byron. Look what I found." I drop the ultrasound on the bed for him to see. At first he's confused. When he still has no clue, he flips it over and sees the note on the back.

"She never-" I interupted with a quick shake of my head. He slams the magizine on the bed, flings the covers that lay over him, and stops on the floor all the way to the front door. On the way he grabbed his keys.

Byron pov

Wha the hell were they thinking! That I wouldn't find out? That I wouldn't so anything about it? Well, they were wrong. I'm on my way now to there house. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I do know I'm going to yell at them for all of this.


As I knock on there door, all I own is rage. Rage is rushing through my body and I don't think I can contain it in the slitest bit.

The door opens. It's Ezra. I take him by the collar be for he even comprehends what is happening. I walk inside with him still in my grip to find Mike and Aria on the sofa. I stare at Ezra struggling to be relised from my grip to Aria shaking in fear, deciding which one to get mad at first.

I shove Ezra out of my hands and walk twards Aria. When I get face to face to her I slap her. She emidiatly brushes her hand across her red cheek in shock. I go to yell at her before Ezra pulls me by the sholder and spins me to face him.

"Get out now!" He scrame pointing to the door.

"No!" I objected and turned back to Aria to yell at her once again but Ezra interupted once more.

"If you don't leave I will call the police." He threatened.

How cliche of him.

"Please do. I'd love to see you get arrested for knocking up you student and my daughter." He just stood there.

"Give it a rest. Can't you see that were happy? We want this." Aria added.

"No. Now you're coming with me." I said while harshly pulling her up off the couch.

"Dad! Ow!" She yelled.

"Stop! Get your hands off her!" Ezra said releasing her from my grip and holding her close into his body while she cries in his chest.

"Get over yourself!" I said as I pulled her out of his grip and walked out of the door with her in my arm.

"Ezra!" She scrame.

We made out way down the stairs and to the car and I locked it because Ezra and Mike were following us. Aria was hopelessly trying to upen the door but failed.

"Dad let me go!" She yelled. I saw her phone starting to wiggle out of her pocket. I quickly grab it, knowing she would call the police or something once she figures out where we're going. Before she realizes what's happening, I threw her phone out of the window of the still car and began the car. To, once again, the abortion clinic. And this time she won't get away.

Congrats! You made it through! I'm so sorry this chapter was so mixed up in totally different places and it was kind of short, but I hoped you liked it anyway.
Ahh! 15 chapter already!? Well anyways, I was hoping that we could get this book to 1k reads and 100 votes? It would mean the world to me and help me understand if you guys like this book at all.
Please comment if you see anything wrong, vote, comment, and follow♡♡

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