Chapter 21. First day

Start from the beginning

I almost felt like a bun beside them, but tried to not let our differences in clothing bother me. I would buy new clothes when I could afford for them. The gifts I had bought for them would be my sole extravagance in quite a while.

Approaching the table the guys caught sight of us and all smiled. Victor immediately stood up and indicated I should sit between him and Gabriel on the bench, Kota, Luke and Nathan were sitting across from us, North and Silas were leaning against the trunk of a huge Oak that shadowed our table.

Gabriel and Luke were talking about the people who were walking by us, while Kota, Victor and Nathan talked about their classes and where they would all congregate for lunch.

North and Silas were having a discussion in Greek which I couldn't overhear no matter how much I strained my ears.

Checking my phone I saw I had a text from Owen.

Owen: Good morning, Darling. I'd like to apologize for Mr. Taylor's untimely presence in your room this morning. I hope you weren't too upset. The boys meant well.

So, someone had told Owen about Luke's sneaking into my room. I wondered what else he knew about and blushed. The conversation around me suddenly stopped and I looked up to see all the guys staring at me with curious smiles on their faces. My blush grew hotter and I asked "What?"

"Who are you talking with, Sang baby?" North asked, a slight edge to his voice.

Feeling a little confused at the how he was reacting I answered quietly. "Owen."

He looked a little relieved and curious at the same time. Gabriel drew my attention to him by suddenly asking "What was that stuffy guy saying to make you blush like that, Trouble?" he looked as confused and curious as the rest of the guys.

I suddenly realized that the boys didn't know Owen the same way I did. How was that possible? They had spent far more time with him than I. Was my image of him a mistake? Or did he change so much these past years that they didn't know he could be playful and lighthearted sometimes?

The thought of the little boy I had known losing that brightness he already had in so little amount made my heart squeeze. Victor's hand touching my shoulder drew me back to present. Turning to face him I saw a worried look had entered his eyes. He must have seen the pain that reflected in my face moments ago.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. Turning back to Gabriel I sent him a mock glare. "It seems that someone is been tattling to Mr. Blackbourne about my morning." I said, feeling a little peeved with the boys. They all flushed guiltily. Busted...

"I had to tell them, Cupcake." Luke said, looking at me pleadingly. "Your nightmare had me worried." he looked like a sad puppy, which was completely unfair because it made my anger vanish instantly.

"We just want to take care of you, sweetie." Kota added, his voice a couple of notches softer than his usual commanding tone.

Sighing I admitted "I didn't want you guys to think I was too much trouble." My voice trembled a little so I took a deep breath to better control my emotions. I had been strong and in control of myself for so long, but there was something about these boys that made me lower my walls and let them in, showing them everything. It was both terrifying and exhilarant.

Taking my hand in both of his, Victor said. "Taking care of you is never too much trouble, Princess. It is a pleasure." He then raised my hand to his mouth and kissed my fingers gently, setting a tingly feeling in my tummy. I blushed again. These boys were going to be the death of me...

I was saved by ringing of the first bell. Standing from my seat I took my bag and walked in the direction of the cafeteria. Most of the boys came with me since they also had classes on that building.

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