"Where are you going with this?"

"I'm saying I think I know who I want to love forever... Even after death."

"Did you hit your head on your way out the house or something because you aren't making any sense right now?"

"Y/n I love you"


"It's hard hiding these feelings I feel for you... Especially when I'm around you."

"Why haven't you said anything before?"

"I was scared of our friendship being ruined."

Chris's POV

I sat there nervously awaiting her response. I knew this was a big step but I can't hide my feelings for her anymore. Shit was eating me up. Besides I think we would be better off  as a couple anyway.

"I just think you're confused about our friendship right now..."

"I'm far from confused love... I know what I want & what I want is you..."

I didn't want to pressure her into something she didn't want right now but she needed to know.

"I don't know what to say about all of this Chris..."

"Well I thought it would be best if you knew & for me to get it off my chest."

"How long have you been feeling like this towards me?"

"Honestly from the very first time I laid my eyes on you. I felt like a solid friendship would be good for us but I can't fight these feelings for you off any longer... I just can't."

"Damn..." She said as she was trying to figure out what to say to her best friend that loves her but was also in love with her

"I can understand if you don't just want to jump into a full blown relationship with me right now... We could work on it."

"Chris I appreciate all of your honesty right now but this is a bit too much for me right now & I need some time alone to think about all of this if you don't mind." She spoke without looking at me

"Sure... I don't mind at all just call me when you want to talk about it."

I left to go home after that I didn't expect her to respond that way because it sounded like I was being rejected & I didn't like that feeling at all but I respected her wish. Damn I'm in my feelings a lot for me to be a nigga. (Awww it's ok to be in your feelings sometimes sweetheart lol)

Y/n's POV

I've been avoiding talking to Chris for a few days now & I wanted it to stay that way. I don't know why but I just did. I don't even know what to think about the whole situation anymore. It's crazy how a person can hide things like that for a very long time but I can't blame him. Friendships are sometimes ruined because someone fell in love & wanted to be in a committed relationship. I don't want us to lose our friendship because of that. Makes me scared to even think of loosing my best friend over a relationship. But then again some friendships are better when they go to that next level. Part of me wants to go for it because Chris isn't a bad person & is what I would look for in a man & the other part of me is just scared to loose the friendship.

Pulling my phone out I decided to call Chris but in the midst of doing that he was calling me so I answered it with a simple hello. It took him some time to respond so I did instead.

"Can we meet up somewhere to talk?" I asked nervously

"Sure... Where?"

"Ummmm... Warfield Park??"

"Aight... I'll be there in 30 minutes."

"Ok... See you there..."

With that we hung up the phone. I anticipated on going but this was long over due. I know what I wanted & didn't want.

I arrived at the park a little early because I wasn't doing anything at home so I was just enjoying the view of the park at the moment. Soon Chris arrived as I recognized his car. He got out of his car & scanned over the park finally landing his eyes on me. I waved my hand for him to come on over. I was more than ready to get this over with.


"Hi Chris"

We sat beside each other for a while before we said anything.

"Lis-" we laughed at the fact that we both cut each other off at the same time. I guess it was a good thing to know that we were both ready to talk.

"Look I understand fully if you don't want to go to that level with me & would just like to stay friends... Please understand that I'm not pressuring you into anything you don't want to do. Just please let me know something..."

"Chris I do understand everything you've said to me & I've been thinking a lot about all of this actually... I want you to know that I am scared of loosing our friendship down the line... I just don't think I could deal with not having my best friend anymore if we were to go to that level. Part of me wants to try it out because you basically fit what I want in a man..."

"You know I'll never do anything to affect us on purpose so why would you think that?"

"I don't know Chris it's just it always happens to other people & I don't want that."

"We not other people Y/n... This is me & you... You understand that... This is just me & you baby girl."

"I understand..." I said shaking me head

"So are we taking this to the next level or what?" He asked with so much home in his eyes & I just knew right then & there what I wanted.


"I respect what you want in all hon- wait what you say??" He asked shocked

"I said yes Chris."

"You serious??" He asked with a big smile on his face & I couldn't be more happier to know that I put it there.

"I love you too Chris" I said with a smile on my face.

"I feel like the man of the year baby!!" He yelled out not caring who heard him & I just laughed at him doing his happy dance.

I didn't mind being with Chris on this level at all because I feel like there would be more smiles than frowns & for that I don't mind being his lady.

I hope y'all like it. I'm trying to make them longer instead of doing them in parts.

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