••• Six •••

En başından başla

School comes quick the next day, landing me smack in the middle of the hall as I rummage through a stack of flash cards. With one major AP History test today and a presentation, I'm stressed out to say the least. Grabbing a pencil from my bag, I push it into my bun, every so often marking letters down as I take my next steps to lunch.

Zayne, one of the Adams brothers is rushing up to me as I look over my shoulder. "Hey."

"Sorry to have to catch you like this, but my mother wanted to invite your family over for dinner this Friday, just a catch up," he informs me. "Just wanted to let you know."

"Understood," I reply, watching as Zayne is about to leave, only to turn back to me. "Yes?"

He looks as if hesitant to ask his next words as we stand across from one another. "So, that night at the party, I heard you basically broke into my neighbor's house and got a plate as a dare."

A lump forms in my throat as people pass bye and I get nervous. "Yes, why?"

"Just curious, you've got some guts to do that. Not just breaking in, but also to Maxwell's house."

I nod, wanting to seem like I don't understand, yet I do. To tell the truth, Nixon Maxwell is scary as hell, I only am thankful that I'm on his good side, at least, I think.

I hope.

"Why say that?"

"One scary ass guy, that's for sure," Zayne replies as we end our conversation and I find myself alone once more as I head to lunch.

The table is filled with the people I've met and learned to like over the past weeks I've been here. Emily is going off on some plan for Christmas and George is drawing in other people to another conversation about the latest Game of Thrones episode he just watched. I spend my time bitting my lip as I think of the man I've become interest in.

The second George dared me to break into Maxwell's house, everyone looked frightened. At first I assumed it was just because it was breaking and entering, only, with Zayne's recent comment in the hall, I'm starting to second guess my idea. God, it's as if everyone is scared shitless of this male. For all that's holy, he was able to get Emily, Oliver, and even Oliver's mom to carry on a lie to my parents just because I spent the night at his house. I am finding myself lying as to why I've come home late or even didn't return till the next evening.

I release a deep breath as I decide to clear my thoughts and study.

There's always time for wondering about the man who lives isolated later on. Especially when I'm expected there again tonight. Again. And I have no idea what the night holds in store.

I could simply just be sitting in some room for the whole while he stares off into space while I wish to go home. He could take me away with no say and not return me for hours upon hours.

By the time school as come to an end, I'm getting dressed for work and head out to the job. Tying my hair back in a tight pony tail, I get the creases out of my maroon blouse and make sure there's no sign of any fuzzies on my black pants.

Work goes slow for the hours I'm there, my mind constantly drifting to how Nixon will react. Not only when I show up, but when I show up later due to work. Why? I forgot to tell him I work from five to nine on three times a week.
As I give another table their orders and offer them a smile, I find myself back in the kitchen as I knock my head against a fridge. Nixon is going to be pissed. But then again, we never set a time.

Table after table I find myself chewing on my lip over and over as the minutes drag on. By five after nine I'm hopping into my car and taking my hair down.

NixonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin