Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

He pulls the small capsule of pills from his pocket and I immediately blush ten shades darker, oh no. "Those - That's - That's my draw, why were you going through my draw?"

"I was looking for a hair tie." He answers blankly and I gap at him. "It looked like a hair tie draw?" He tilts his head slightly, copying the innocent expression I'd used before.


"Why do you have birth control Grace?" He doesn't seem angry, he actually doesn't seem to be showing any emotion at all and that scares me. This could not get any worse. "You only use this kind of birth control if your having sex. We're not having sex."

Please God, let the floor eat me so I can escape this awkward conversation.


Of course not.

"It was Arncia's idea" I grumble into my hands, mortified that I'm having a discussion like this with him right now. He's supposed to be answering the questions. Not me.

"They're open Grace, Arnica's pregnant, she doesn't need birth control."

"They're for me." I almost cringe as I say the words.

"You?" I nod. "Grace, we've never had sex before." I don't like the look that crosses his face. "Why are you taking birth control?"

Oh no, he thinks I'm cheating on him.

"No no no no - " I mutter out all at once, my hands forming some kind of weird gesture that my brain obviously thinks will somehow make him believe me.

"They're for you! I mean, not for you obviously because you're a guy but I mean I'm taking them for you.." I stop when he smiles, tilting his head slightly with a knowing expression on his lips. "I'm just going to stop talking to you now and go die in a hole somewhere, far away from you."

"You're taking birth control for when you're ready?"

No shit Sherlock. Thank you for embarrassing me like this. Greatly appreciated.

"I've been ready for the past month, but you're never home and then we fight and it's very hard to bring up this topic." I stare at the floor, this is so embarrassing. "By the way, this isn't how I'd planned on telling you either, so now the plan is ruined."

"What" I don't like the way he smirks, it does strange things to the inside of my stomach. "You planned to seduce me?" I'm sure by now my face is beetroot red and my fingers are shaking ever so slightly with embarrassment. He doesn't seem the least bit worried about how awkward this conversation is for me and the stupid boyish smile on his lips hasn't disappeared. The boyish smile that makes my heart pound harshly against my ribs.

"Right now, I want to punch you in the face. Not seduce you." I tell him.

"No" He leans towards me, large hands trapping me on either side of the seat. "I still think you want to seduce me, but I'm going to tell you a secret" I freeze when his lips brush against my ear, holding my breath without meaning to. "You seduce me everyday, without even trying to."

I cough, trying to cover just how much his words effect me. "You're not getting anything" I push his chest backwards, fighting my inner self that basically wants to rip the clothes off his fit and tattooed body. "Until you tell me what's going on."

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