Chapter Thirty-One

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We've been in the van for at least 10 minutes already and haven't come up with a single plan.

Both our hands are handcuffed behind us and Mason's tied to some part of the van as well. On top of that, it's almost impossible to see anything.

It looks easier in movies. I almost laugh at myself, thinking watching Fast and Furious would give me some awesome technique I could use to get out of this.

But it won't. I'm just a stupid 18 year old girl with her stupid friend who got herself into this stupid mess and is probably going to die. The sooner I face that fact, the better.

Mason groans when the van slams on its breaks, forcing us both into the wall. I hope my tears are dry, I don't want them to know I've been crying. The doors are pulled open roughly. Behind the same man from earlier I can see we're in some kind of abandoned warehouse filled with more scary looking men holding weapons.

"Nice location" I glare coldly. "Very original."

The man simply scoffs in reply. He'd be in his early to mid thirties and he grips me roughly by the hair. He pulls me out of the van to face more hulky looking men who all share similar features.

Black clothes, tattoos, large bodies and scary facial features.

"This is her?" One asks. I shiver as his eyes roam across every inch of my body. I feel disgusting, violated. Even though he's only glanced in my direction.

"It's her alright" The man holding me pushes me forward against his chest. I immediately try to step back, but his hands grip my shoulders and he holds me in place, examining me.

"Hmm" he clasps his lips together. "You're not what I expected." There's silence for a moment, I can't stop the trembling of my fingers. I'm terrified and I don't want to be anywhere near these horrible men. "Tie her up, I don't care about what you do with the boy."

Another man whose even taller than him grabs my arms and pulls me to a chair which is in the centre of wherever we are, tying me to it so tightly it hurts. He sends me a repulsive smile and stays rather close to me - too close for my liking.

"We are going to ask you some very simple questions" The same man talks, I notice there are at least six other men standing around as well, all holding guns on high on alert. "If you answer them then we'll leave you be until Xavier comes to rescue you, once he does ,we'll kill you both" I feel cold all of a sudden, frozen to the bone. "However, if you don't answer our questions we will be forced to make you" his rough fingers grip my cheek and I flinch in his grip. "We don't want that now, do we princess?"

I don't answer. I can't answer. I've never been this petrified in my entire life and all I want is Xavier.

I swallow, heart pounding and mind racing with the hundreds of scenarios that could possibly happen and what they could possibly do to me.

"Now" The man pulls a chair up in front of me so we're sitting directly opposite each other. "How did he find you?"

I don't answer for a second, I'm to scared to even form words. "What - what do you mean?"

"What I mean is that Xavier Black doesn't get close to people - at all. Yet here you are, some silly little school girl. What are you giving him that makes him keep you around?"

Giving him? I shake my head. "I'm not giving him anything."

The man scoffs slightly "how did he meet you then?"

"A library."

He obviously didn't expect that answer, I can see the shock on his face but he hides it well, the scowl returning on his scarred lips. "What's the code girl."

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