Chapter One: Baymax and Coffee

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Chapter One: Baymax and Coffee

Yuki jolted awake, a tap on his shoulder. He looked up to see his best friend, North, frowning at him.

"I believe you, my friend, need Baymax and coffee." he stated with a demented grin. Yuki nodded as his friend grabbed his arm and pulled him out of school, after helping pack his bag, of course.

"Yuki, did you have another dream?" North asked, his eyes full of worry. Yuki nodded, as they reached North's house door. Yuki took out his phone, sending a quick message to his brother before walking into his friends house.

Yuki put his phone up, not bothering for a reply, and followed North to the kitchen.

North wasn't your archetypal jock. Yes, he played soccer and ran track but on the inside, he was a Disney/ Music loving, day-dreaming fanboy, which may have been why Yuki befriended him.

North gripped Yuki's arm and dragged him towards his Disney-themed room.The thing about North, he loved Disney more than anything, explaining why Baymax and coffee were his solutions to everything..

Yuki smiled as "Big Hero 6" began on the TV and coffee was handed to him.

"Perfect as always, Hiro. " Yuki stated, chuckling at the personal joke.

"Totally, Baymax." North replied with a smile. Yuki smiled and sipped his coffee.

About half way through the movie, Constance,
North's 4-year-old sister, crepted in and crawled to Yuki's lap. He chuckled.

"Hello, princess." He said, chuckling. She yawned and reached for his cup, taking a sip.

"Yuck! Not enough sugar!" she said, sticking her tongue out. Both the older boys laughed at her face to which she pouted.

"Hey, hey, princess, no sad face," Yuki commanded, rocking her as North put more sugar in Yuki's coffee. Constance smiled and grabbed his coffee, taking another sip.

"Yum, much better!" she said, with a giggle.

"So, you like?" He asked her, recieving a nod. North motioned his sister out of the room. She gave Yuki a hug before leaving, all carefree vibes going with her.

"Same dream?" North asked, already knowing the answer, but hoping for a better outcome.

"Yeah..." Yuki whispered.

"You need help."


"Please Yuki."


"Yuki, I can't lose you. You're like a brother. Hiro and Baymax, remember? Please...for me." North begged, his voice cracking. Suddenly, Paris, North's older brother, walked in.

"Awe, is North crying?" He asked, laughing as if he were a hyena. North pushed him out of the room and growled.

"Just remember, I know what really happened, Paris." He growled again as Paris took off out of the room. North chuckled as Yuki checked the time.

"Oh... Crap! I got to go." He gestured towards the clock, which read 7:30. North nodded and lead Yuki to the door.

"Bye, Baymax." He (North) said with a cheeky grin.

Yuki arrived home, right on time, as always, only to find his siblings asleep on the floor of the living room. He silently slipped pass them and to his room. After putting on his night clothes, he stood on his baloney, with his note book.

"Studies Of Stars: Celesis

I had thought Hydri only came out during winter. Yet here we are, mid-spring and she's here. Although, she has a strange pattern, she only appears every two days. It's an odd pattern, only one other star is known to do. I shall be going to ChesterField Observatory to ask about it. Until then, see you later.

April 8, 20:27 PM

~Yuki. "

A smile made its way to Yuki's face as he thought of the internship he was hoping to get, even if it was a long shot, this was his final thought as he drifted off to sleep.

* * * * * * * * * * *

The next day, he did just that: he went to the observatory, along with North, of course.

"Dude, its Saturday, and your worried about some internship??!" North gaped in disbelief as Yuki nodded.

"You are one weird kid." He shook his head, sighing, as they reached the door of Chesterfield, only to see a note.

"We are sorry to say we have been closed due to taxes.

I am deeply sorry.

Dr. Deanders." Yuki gaped as North finished reading. He snatched the note and read it for himself three times.

"Sorry, dude." North said, shrugging.

"Yeah, yeah. Its fine," Yuki attempted a fake smile as they walked back to his house.

"Let's watch TV or something yeah?" North suggested, which was a wrong move to make in front of Yuki's siblings.

"H-hey, we want to watch too, " whispered Mack (Makakie). Yuki noticed the terrified look that clouded her face, and although, her long black hair covered her face for the most part, you could still see the way her eyes darted between Yuki and North.

"Of course, Maky-Chan. What do you want to watch?" North asked, picking the young 8-year-old up.

"Hmm.... Albert Einstein's dreams?" she asked, smiling when North nodded. Hiro (Hiroko), Kash-Chan (Kashmir)and Kokie came skipping in.

"Oh, Senpai, is here!" Kokie said, with a smile. "Did chu bring yummies?" He looked up at North, who shook his head.

"Sorry, bud, I didn't, " He, North, responded with a frown before sitting down and clicking play on the movie. Popcorn was made and by the end, all were asleep.

* * * * * * * *
North snuck in around three. Yuki handed him thw notebook.

"Plans for tonight, " he whispered, as the other boy nodded and read over them. They climbed out the window, no sound made. Although, it was below freezing both crept slowly not wanting to make a sound. They made it, not waking a soul. Yuki threw a bottle of black spray paint to North, who began.

"Save the observatory!"

"Don't take down our sky!"

"Fight, fight, fight for our right." were scribbled all over the gray metal wall. It didn't take long to finish and both boys were back in bed by four, satisfied with their work. Project save the observatory 2.0 complete.


A/N: Haiii so it's done. Yays!!!

http__dreamer4 thanks for reading.

KiwiIsReading thanks and yays he didn't die

Avalyse9908 happy?

1025 words bam.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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