Chapter Twenty-Six - The Switch Out

Start from the beginning

As she glanced into her rear-view mirror, her worried expression stared back at her. Her eyes burned with increasing panic and anxiety. Her skin glistened with a sheen layer of sweat, and she chewed on the skin on the corner of her bottom lip. What if he was murdered and she walked into a bloody massacre?

Biting her lip and drawing blood, she climbed out of the driver's side and quietly closed her door so as to not alert anyone of her presence. She then walked up to the door - and as she got ready to knock, she heard a moan coming from inside the house.

Layla's frown turned into a grimace, her heart sped inside her chest cavity, drumming, drumming, drumming to a fast beat, and her pulse thundered so loudly in her ears that the whoosh, whoosh, whoosh almost deafened her. Another moan caught her attention sending a bolt of burning adrenaline through her veins, anger simmering just underneath the surface. She could feel a fire stoking in the pit of her stomach, the moaning adding fuel to the already growing wild fire building inside of her.

She swallowed hard and forced herself to give Trevor the benefit of the doubt. Her car keys began to cut into the soft flesh of her palm as she tightly gripped them in her right hand, her left-hand curling around the doorknob. There were two possibilities to consider once she stepped foot inside. The first: Trevor had somehow gotten injured and couldn't reach the phone to call for help. (That one didn't seem plausible at all. The moans did not sound like that of someone who'd been injured.) The second: he was with a girl. But she didn't want to think that he would ever even consider doing that to her. She would rather think that he was hurt than think that he would cheat on her. He had told her on their last date that he wanted only her -- she believed him because he seemed genuine expressing that to her.

Why would he lie straight to her face? Why wouldn't he just tell her that it wasn't working out between them instead of putting her through the pain and agonizing heartache that she was inevitably about to go through? Why do men do this to women? Why can't they just be upfront and blatantly (even brutally honest if the situation called for it), honest with the people they are supposed to be with? Women would be more understanding if men would tell them the truth instead of hiding it and going behind their back to sleep with another woman.

She vividly remembered as Trevor lightly gripped her chin with his forefinger and thumb, his deep, blue eyes penetrating hers as he brought his free hand to interlock in hers, intertwining their fingers, "You're so beautiful. You're smart and interesting. You've no idea what you do to me every time I see you. I can't control myself. I want you." He spoke with a soft, husky whisper as his finger stroked sensitive skin on the under part of her palm.

He sounded genuine. He seemed heartfelt. Everything about him screamed trust me. His intense and penetrating eyes, his deep, husky whisper drew her in even more than she thought possible. As the fifth date ended, she invited him into her apartment and that's when things began to heat up. They started by lightly making-out before it began to progress into something more intimate and romantic. She finally decided to give him a chance and went all the way with Trevor. It was intense; intimate and lightly rough with a little bit of kink. He knew how to tease her in all the right places. He pinned her wrists above her head and took his time with her, showing her body all the right affections, light caresses on her inner thigh, licking across her hip bone, kissing just underneath her jawline, teasing and testing her body just how she liked it.

She liked him but her heart was screaming at her like a prison alarm system, telling her to run - and her mind was telling her to stay, give him a chance. Trust him. And that was her mistake. Trusting him. He'd even had the chance to meet her Mother and Father and, surprisingly, they approved. Well, she assumed that they pretended to approve, when in actuality, her Mother warned her that he was trouble. She was intuitive like no one she'd ever met before, and she learnt to trust her Mother's intuition. She told Layla not to give her heart away to him so willingly, that in the end, the outcome would be devastating to her and that it would be inevitable and impossible to avoid. She always had this weird vibe when she met people, especially when it came to the men in her daughter's life. It was like she could tell which one's were trustworthy of her daughter's heart and which one's were only after sex.

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