It's the worst feeling. You know, having to leave your family behind in a ship being shot down and go off with your best friend to find safety. But what choice did I have?

Hours passed. It felt like years. The sounds of the shooting and screams had died down.

I saw something in the distance.

"Look." I said, my voice croaking as it made it's way out of my salty, dry throat and spilled out of my mouth. I pointed to what I thought was a piece of land.

Luke looked at where I was pointing. His eyes widened. He immediately started rowing faster, as did I.

As we came closer and closer, we saw that it was sand and had a forest on it.

Thirst hit me and my mouth became drier as we came closer to the island.

We finally got close enough and Luke got out of the boat and started pulling it towards the island. I did the same.

When we got on the island and parked the boat firmly on the sand, we collapsed on the soft, white sand. We'd been working our arms for hours. And finally got to relax our aching bodies.

After a few minutes, I moved closer to Luke, who wrapped an arm around me. I cried. He cried. We cried together for what felt like forever.

I'd lost track of time, but I think it had been half an hour, and we heard voices.

Luke and I sat up. A boat was coming our way. 3 guys were in it.

A few minutes later, they got to the island. They parked their boat and collapsed onto the sand in relief.

One of them had coloured hair, ear piercings and an eyebrow piercing. Another had curly hair and a bandana. The third one had black hair and tanned skin.

A few minutes later, the curly haired one with the bandana got up. "Are you guys also from the shipwreck?"

"Yeah." Luke croacked.

He nodded. "I'm Ashton. But I don't know these guys, we got onto the same boat."

The one with coloured hair sat up. "I'm Michael."

Ashton went and nudged the black haired one with his foot. "What's your name?"

He slowly sat up, knees crunched up to his chest and his arms wrapped around them. He cleared his throat. "Calum." He said.

"Who are you?" Ashton asked us.

"I'm Luke," Luke said, "and this is Taylor."

I waved, not wanting to speak because of my dry throat.

The blue sky changed as the purple, orange and red colours of sunset painted the sky in streaks, telling us that sunset was near - it was getting late.

Without saying anything, Calum stood up and went towards the forest.

"Hey!" Ashton said, "Where are you going?"

Calum didn't show any signs that he'd heard Ashton.

"Hey!" Ashton went towards him, grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. "Hey!"

Calum faced him and looked at him, confused.

"Look, none of us know each other," Ashton said, "but we're in this together. We're sticking together and we're gonna find our way out to our own homes. Together."

"Calm down," Calum said, "I'm only going to build ourselves a place to sleep."

Ashton smiled. He patted him on the shoulder. "I'm gonna go to the boat, they usually put emergency food and water in them."


Within an hour it was night, and we were sitting around a fire we'd made, eating some food that was stocked in the boats.

"We should get to know each other." Ashton said, "Maybe we could go in a circle and talk about ourselves?"

"Sounds like a good idea." Luke said.

"Who should start?" Michael said.

"Should I start?" Ashton said.


"Well," Ashton began, "I, Ashton Fletcher Irwin, live with my single mum and her boyfriend, he taught me how to play drums. I have a friend who lives away. He wants to make albums. He has a guitarist, but needs a drummer. So he asked me and I said yes. So I took a ship. And now I'm stranded here, with 4 people, and hopefully, great new friends."

"Nice." Michael said in his deep, slow voice, "Well I guess I'm next. I'm Michael Gordon Clifford, I live with my parents, but I'm not as polite and posh as they want me to be. So to show them, I dropped out of school one day, dyed my hair, pierced my ears and eyebrow."

"All in one day?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah." He said confidently. "Came home and they kicked me outta the house. I wanted a break from them and they wanted a break from me. And I took a ship and now I'm here."

I was next. "I'm Taylor Katherine Matthew and I live with my parents. Mine and Luke's family decided to go on a holiday, we thought it would be better by ship than plane, so we went and now we're here."

"I'm Luke Robert Hemmings," Luke said, "I live with my parents and... yeah, Taylor's told you pretty much everything."

All eyes went on Calum.

Calum cleared his throat. "Um, I'm Calum Thomas Hood," he said, "I lived with my parents and sister, Anna. My parents started fighting one day and it got more serious every day. My dad gets drunk sometimes, and he nearly raped my sister once. So Anna and I decided that we'd leave the house, stay with our uncle for a while. So that's why we went on the ship. I came onto this boat," he indicated to the boat he came on, "but... I lost Anna. She must've found another boat."

We sat in silence.

Ashton patted Calum on the shoulder. "Don't worry mate,"he said, "your sister's gonna be fine."

Calum responded with a sad smile.


We went and made beds out of huge leaves and different things. We decided where to sleep, I was sleeping with Luke. Michael and Ashton's beds were just a little bit far from each other, and Calum's was the furthest away.

"Okay guys," Michael said, "when we'll wake up tomorrow, we'll see what we can do. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." We all said.

The beds weren't really comfortable, but we didn't have an option. I lay down and let sleep envelope me.

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