A party?

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It's been a few days since I came to Mystic Falls. I've made a few friends to keep myself occupied. But when Niklaus shows, all hell will break loose. That bastard is gonna pay for what he did to me.

I was in my room, going through some of my personal things, when Elena came into my room.

"Hey. What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Just going through some of my things." I said shutting my suitcase.

"Oh. Well some of us are heading to a party at the Mystic Grill, and Matt doesn't have a date. I wanted to see if you wanted to come."

"Sure. Let me change out of my sweats. What should I wear?" I asked, combing through my closet.

"Do you have any dresses?" She asked.

"None suitable."

"Come with me."

She towed me to her room. She opened her closet. After rummaging around, she pulled out the most girly shirt I've ever seen with a pair of black jeans.


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"Here. I know it's not a dress, but you'll still look good." She said, smiling.

She put the clothes in my hands before shoving me into her bathroom. Once I was dressed, I walked out of the bathroom. Elena then sat me on the edge of her bed, sat behind me with a brush, and started to fix my hair.

"Elena, are you done yet?" I asked.

"Yeah. One, more, second. There."
With one final tug on my hair, Elena got off the bed.

"I French braided a portion of your hair, then braided the rest of it."

I reached behind me, and ran my hand over the intricate braid.

"Thank you Elena."

"It's no problem. Come on, Stefan and Matt are downstairs, waiting for us."

I shook my head. Then I realized that I had no shoes on. I went back to my room, and quickly put on a pair of gladiator sandals. I rushed downstairs, and saw Elena talking to Stefan and Matt. Both boys were dressed very nicely.

"I'm ready."


We were having the time of our lives, when I felt nature calling. After I finished in the bathroom, I walked out looking around for my friends, when I heard the front door open.

I looked at the door, and it took everything I had not to run. Walking in with his siblings, was Klaus Mikaelson. Before anything could happen, someone walked up to the mic.

"Alright, alright, alright. How are you guys doing?"

The answer was a huge round of applause and cheering.

"Awesome. Now, awhile back, someone told me that karaoke night should be started up again. I agree, but I thought we should modernize it. So, instead of karaoke, we'll have people come up here and try their hand at singing. Who's up first?"

"I'll do it!" I shouted.

"Very well. Get up here, little lady."

I pushed my way through the crowd, and walked on to the stage.

"What song are you doing?"

"Be prepared. From the Lion King. With a twist." I said.

I was grinning the whole time, time I sang. Stefan, Elena, and Matt even joined in.


After the party ended, we all went to the boarding house to hang out. We all lounged by the fire place, telling stories about our families. Whenever it was my turn, I was as vague as possible. I couldn't exactly say anything.

"C'mon Cressida, you have to tell us about your family." Stefan said.

"I told you enough. If I told you any more, I'd get in trouble." I said taking a swig from the bottle of whiskey.

"Jeez," Elena said before hiccuping. "Someone's uptight."

"No. I'm sworn to secrecy. Though, I *hic* think there's a loop h-"

"You know if your dad sees you like this...."

I whipped my head around to see, my cousin stepping out of the shadows. I stood up and walked over to him.

"Nico! You can't be doing that any time you want! What would your dad say!?"

"I really don't care. I'm not here to talk about him."

"Then what are here you for?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"It's about your mom. Cress, she's in a coma."

3rd Person PoV

Hearing this news, had Cressida sobering up without a second thought.

"What hospital is she at?" She asked.

"St. Mary's. The doctors don't know how much longer she has. Maybe a day at the most." Nico said.

As Cressida processed this news, Matt stood up, and walked over to her. Placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Do you need someone to go with you?" Matt asked.

Not trusting her voice, Cressida nodded. Stefan gave Matt the keys to his car.

"Take my car. It has a full tank." He said.

"Thanks. C'mon Cressida."


When Matt and Cressida arrived at the hospital, they rushed to the emergency room. They rushed to the nurse's station.

"Can I help you?" A young looking nurse asked.

"I'm looking for my mom, Tessa Miller. I was told she was here."

After a few seconds of typing, the nurse found the details.

"Come with me please."

A few moments later, they arrived at Tessa's room. Before they went in, the nurse told Cressida something.

"I'm not one that usually does this but, if I were you, I would hold on as long as possible. My mom was is the same situation, and I regret not waiting any longer. Don't repeat my mistake."

After that, she walked away. Cressida, mentally preparing herself, took a deep breath, then entered her mom's room. Seeing her mom laying motionless on the bed, hooked to a life-support machine, left Cressida speechless. She pulled up a chair, and sat down.

"Mom," she said grabbing her hand in both of hers. "If you can hear me, please wake up. I need you. Who am I suppose to go to when I have boy problems? You know I can't go to dad. Or any of his family. I can't go to Annabeth, she's only been with Percy. If you're gone, who can I go to, to complain about dad? Please mom. I need you."

On the last word, Cressida broke down, and started crying. Matt walked over to her, pulled up a second chair, sat beside her, and wrapped an arm around her. Both praying that Tessa would wake up.

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