Why me?

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I was in my cabin, using My personal workout equipment, when someone knocked on my door. I walked over to the door, opening it to see Grover.


"Chiron wants to see you."

"When does he not? I'll be there in a little bit." I said before closing the door in his face.

I went back over to my equipment, and finished my workout. Once I put everything away, I changed into camp attire,

 Once I put everything away, I changed into camp attire,

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and walked up to the Big House. I swear every time I get comfortable being back, Chiron senses it and screws it up! When I reached the Big House, I saw Mr. Dionysus pacing across the upper deck. I used one of my gifts, and flew up.

"Something's got you in a tizzy." I chuckled.

"This is serious!"

He grabbed my hand, and shoved me through the doors. I stumbled a little before catching myself.

"Cressida, couldn't you have used the front door?" Chiron asked.

"I could've."

He shook his head. I followed his gaze when he turned his head, and froze. Standing in front of me, was four of the many Olympian gods and goddesses. Three of who were in my ancestry.

I averted my eyes, and bowed out of respect.

"My Lords and Lady, how can I be of service?"

"Cressida, we come to warn you about someone from your past." Hecate said.

"Who? I've made a lot of enemies in the past, grandmother."

"He's a man you met in a past life. His name is Niklaus Mikaelson." Apollo said.

"I remember him, grandfather. Has he been reborn, like I?" I inquired, folding my arms across my chest.

"We're afraid not. He never died." Eros said.

"Are you sure? Did you ask Hades?"

"We did. He even asked his Norse Equivalent."

I scoffed.

"What do you want me to do about it? I told you, if I were to ever meet that man again, it wouldn't end well. For either of us."

"He's trying to create more like him. He's already succeeded a small scale. If he does anything more, Zeus will handle it appropriately."


I agreed reluctantly. When they told me I could bring all of my weapons, it helped. I loved my weapons.

Anyway, once I had everything ready, Apollo used his chariot to take to the town where Niklaus was.

"Why are we standing infront of a house?"

"This house belongs to one of Athena's kids. Well, kinda. He lives here with some kids that are under his guardianship."

He walked up the few stairs, and across the deck before knocking on the door. It took a few seconds before anyone answered.

 It took a few seconds before anyone answered

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"Lord Apollo."

Matt's Greek Goddess (Indefinite Hiatus)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن