Spine tingling tale 2 (mine)

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You all know the plot of costumes- popular with young girls bordering the start of their childhood, they allow people to dress as somebody or something they aren't. For the best or worse, however.

One day a young  girl was coming out of the mall from a shopping trip with her best friends. She was a young adult but she still allowed time for activities teenagers usually prefer. Allowing her friends to go off and get their taxis, (which they needed to get back for another exciting thing the girl had planned for them) she began to walk to her car when she noticed a fairly average elderly lady. The girl ignored her and began to unlock her car without a slight hint of hesitation. The lady came closer and started to give off an unusual atmosphere.
"Would you be a dear and give me a ride? I'm lost and I don't have a clue what to do! Even a bed and breakfast would be fine, just anywhere!",  questioned the lady that was then staring uncomfortably.
"Okay then..." the girl came to a pause as she thought about her actions- she didn't know the lady so it would be extremely foolish to allow it. Although she was nervous, the ride went on.
A few minutes into the ride, the girl realised she lost her phone and had to go back to get it, so she did. When she came back all traces of the lady were gone- apart from a bag containing a grey wig, a dress, and a sharp knife with a roll of large, black duct tape.

It was a costume.

Note: this is not how I usually write and I'll make sure to use my normal writing style somewhere in this book!

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