Chapter 32 - Human Troubles

Start from the beginning

I sweatdropped. Wonderful....the minute I make an entrance, I'm loaded with work.

Just as I stood there silently, everyone stopped talking finally noticing Sousuke standing next to me. They all blinked and pointed to him. "Who is he?"

"Oh, this is my friend Aizen Sousuke." The minute those words left my mouth, I was dragged a good ten feet away by Noriko and a few other nurses.

"Is he your boyfriend?! He's hot!" "If he isn't your boyfriend, can you introduce us?" "Look at his height! His physique! He's dreamy!" My brow twitched in slight annoyance at how they were looking at him. I mean, they just saw him! They didn't know head or tail about him and they were already day dreaming.....besides, he's my guy.

"Um, actually we're sort of going out." I mumbled as I glanced at Sousuke. His eyes were narrow as he watched me and I gave him a sheepish smile.

"What?! You finally got a boyfriend! That's awesome!! Good for you!" "You sure know how to look for the good ones!" They teased and I just gave an awkward smile.

"Trouble! Big trouble!" We all looked up as one of the men from the administration department came running towards us. We all walked back and I stopped next to Sousuke. He was looking at the man with narrow eyes as he stopped in front of me.

"Yukimura sensei! Please help us! You're our only hope!" He bowed deeply.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I asked and he looked at me almost crying.

"Dr. Patrick Jones is coming to our hospital today for an inspection! He was supposed to observe an operation performed by Hamada sensei today but Hamada sensei is ill! We informed the National Hospital but they are still sending over their head doctor to inspect the quality of our staff. They're doing this on purpose....setting the inspection when they know Hamada sensei isn't in. Please Yukimura sensei, you're our only hope now!" He begged.

"An inspection? At this time of the year?" I asked frowning. Inspections were scheduled during particular months each year but this timing was way off the charts.

"I know! Please Yukimura sensei!! You have to help!" He began to hyperventilate and I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Relax Jirou. Lets sit down and talk, okay? Ask the attendants to get all of us something to drink and we'll sit down and talk this through calmly." I said and he nodded, relaxing a little. He was still sweating buckets and I looked at Sousuke after letting him go.

"Sorry about this, Sousuke. It looks like something serious came up....I'm sure you'll still be able to find out about me though." I held his hand and we all walked to the conference room so we could sit and talk. Everyone was a little wary that Sousuke was with me but I told them that I trusted him with secrets. They were still uneasy but agreed on my confidence.

When we were all seated with something hot to drink, I spoke up. "Alright, Jirou. Now tell me what happened."

He was looking down anxiously and he hadn't touched his coffee. "Its started about a month ago when you were still on leave. Dr. Patrick Jones came into power, taking the place of the head doctor at the National Hospital by using his money and political background. He's actually not very skilled but everyone respects and fears him because of his status. Most people follow him just so they too can have an important well paying position in the field." Jirou explained making me narrow my eyes.

"Well, I'm not really surprised to hear that." I muttered. I mean, people with money and a strong place politics are feared by all. And lots of people ran behind people like them just so they could get the same luxury in life.

"After he came into power, he's been going on inspections and threatening to close down smaller hospitals like ours. Hearing about skilled doctors like you and Hamada sensei, Dr. Jones seems to be wary about being surpassed. As a result, three smaller hospitals have already been shut down because of his ridiculous challenges! And we're next!" Jirou put his face in his arms. He was trembling and close to breaking down.

Healing His Solitude - Aizen Sousuke Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now