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Groaning, Drake tilts his head up as his vision slowly fades out from black. He glances around the blurred room and tugs at his arms, realizing they're tied together above his head.

His vision quickly focuses and he sees that he's in an office of some sort. He tugs at the restraints mounted on the ceiling above but it's no use. Dust falls from the ceiling to the floor and he turns over to see Lara, distraught and staring at the office desk, tied up in a similar fashion next to him.

Their weapons are piled up on the floor near the door to their right.

"You okay?" He pulls again at the ties.

She rolls her eyes. "Just fine."

He glances over at her. "Who was that guy? The old man?"

Lara doesn't say anything, or even look at him for that matter.

"Right. You like your secrets." He says, frustration filling his voice. He tugs again at the restraints.

"This museum belongs to Javier Castillo. He was one of my father's business partners and supposed friend, who lent him money for one of his expeditions. Then, when my father died, he believed my father still owed him debt." She glances at him. "And he collected it."

"How?" He asks curiously, staring at her. "How did he collect it?"

She doesn't respond, her eyes tearing up.

He quickly changes the subject. "What's so important about that necklace anyway?"

Taking a deep breath, she regains herself. "It's something he gave me before he died. Said it was one of his greatest treasures, for his greatest treasure, but—to this day—I still don't know what it means."

Drake nods, or attempts to in his awkward position, and thinks about the ring hanging from his own necklace. Sometimes, the sentimental value is more than any price tag.

She turns to him. "So what about you, huh? What's so important about that necklace?"

"Clients make a request. I deliver. Simple as that." He smirks. "I have a buyer who would pay a pretty penny for that thing."

"Petty." She laughs playfully.

He tugs his arms downward again and more dust comes down as small pieces of rock crumble around him. He coughs, looking up to see small cracks spreading around the hook mounted into the ceiling above him. A smile emerges on his face as he pulls again.

The door handle rattles and the two look up to watch as it slams open. Javier walks into the room, signaling two of his men to stand outside the doorway. A grin spreads across his face as he approaches them.

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