I started reciting the spell backwards, carefully watching my appearance and the room in the mirror.

A black cloud started to form behind me and I heated up again.

I released some of the beast like Gran taught me and started to emit a silvery glow. In response, the cloud changed so that it had the shape of a man. I smiled. Level 148 reached. He shows his true form.

I released more and my silvery glow became brighter and started to lighten up the room.

The cloud started moving towards me.

Yes. That’s it. Come on baby. Come to mama.

The cloud stopped and seemed to hesitate.

No! Not again!

I have been doing this for five damn years now. I need to succeed, after this Equinox I need to wait 13 years before everything is in line again. Only three more days left.

I repeated the incantation and kept on saying its name over and over again. Reassuring it. Seducing it. Enticing it to come over and take me.

Slowly, it started moving towards me.

And stopped again.

I sighed, got up and turned.

I opened up my arms to it and begged “Look, I am sorry. I know that you think that I am not strong enough. But I wanted you for so long. I have been trying so long. Please don’t deny me! Use me. Together we will be unstoppable. You will be unstoppable. We can get her back. If you still want that when having me.”

That was all it needed.

It sensed something was wrong but it couldn’t resist. I was too damn willing and too tasty.

I grinned. Even big evil spirits underestimate me because of my looks. Huge mistake.

It rushed over and took me, entering me from all orifices off my body. The feeling was sensational.

I felt it attacking by body from every corner. Destroying, altering and reshaping everything in its way.

After distributing himself over my complete body, he sped up the process. The pain intensified and I gasped.

I turned myself to watch my reflection in the mirror. All the colour drained from my face, my eyes started to shine and my hair seemed to thicken and grow. I watched my nails grow razor sharp and my body becoming more muscled. 

There was a bird walking over the roof, making an awful scratching noise. I suddenly picked up the sounds of the television down stairs and the breathing of my Gran.

She was going to be so proud. Little C got halfway her mission.

I looked around. Everything seemed to have more colour and more defined boundaries. When I looked out of the window I could see birds flying in the air miles away.

The process felt like a slow but painful orgasm.

As the process got completed, a hunger built up inside me. I was starved. I felt a distinct need to get out in the open and hunt.

I walked downstairs,  slowly and carefully not to alarm Gran.

“Gran? I succeeded. Stay there or I might attack you. I am so hungry.”

I was surprised about how my voice sounded. Alluring, mysterious, throaty. Downright sexy.

I walked out the front door and over to the road at the back of the house.

One shot: Just One FixWhere stories live. Discover now