grd wrr

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Gerard Gay

ughgh welcome to
I mean
The end of eras
I mean
Space Jam
I meaN
my psychotic breakdown

is this a ripoff of isolationbel's stuff

does Pete Wentz like purple


Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart x Gerard Gay otp

Remember when Ryanross did thigns
Those were the goodildol dayys now Brendon's alooone

lie in the grass next to th

Trader Joe POV

My name is Joe I am a trader I trade goods in America and not in the UK fuck the UK
My frend is Wendy she always eats chicken and salad she says "rYAN ROSS FDC" same
I do not date her because Burger King is dating her and I am trader joe
not traitor joe

I have no face I am not a mascot #blurryface


Ok I m bored


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