Chapter 19 ~ Why?

Start from the beginning

Lucy POV (starting when Natsu got chained)

The ringing in my ears prevented me from hearing Natsu's words completely, but I could tell he was angry. I managed to bring my head up and saw him trapped in chains on the opposite wall. I was stuck now. It was hopeless. My whole life, I had dreamed of seeing Natsu again, and finally getting the childhood I never had, and now I was going to die here.

I didn't know exactly what they wanted to do with me, but I knew it was bad. I knew it was something I wouldn't bounce back from if I ever escaped. I was barely surviving this, and my sanity was only laced on the hope that Natsu could and would save me. Though that hope was diminishing by every moment that passed.

My torturer was talking beside me now, and I felt the knife leave my neck. A broken breath snaked its way into my lungs, filling me with sweet oxygen. My hearing started to return with the return of breath but what I heard, destroyed me.

" cared for her. You would do anything for her. And now with her here..."  I felt some of my hair get lifted off my back and a slight tug confirmed my suspicion that he was sniffing it. How sick.

Natsu growled, so deep and low, I felt threatened. It didn't stop this man though. With my head hung, I could see his knife on my stomach, working its way up to my chest, cutting through my shirt. I wanted to scream. I wanted to thrash and cry and yell for help. But no one would help me, and I had no energy to fight left.

My shirt, now gone, revealed my white undershirt and bra. I was completely exposed. Water began to run down my face once more.

I could hear Natsu yelling curses and threats at his man, but I was focused on what the man was doing. His nose was on my stomach, near my belly button. I gasped. He grabbed my hips and pulled his face up in between my breasts, slowly and sensually. I gasped again when he kissed my collar bone. His face worked its way up to my ear, where he whispered, "You like that don't you? Just admit it."

I couldn't stop the tears from quietly streaming down my face. I knew what was coming.

But we both stopped when Natsu got quiet; I even used some of my last bits of energy to look up and see him, slumped over, staring at me with pained eyes. Eyes that screamed for mercy. The man teased him, then burst in laughter, while Natsu and I locked eyes, staring at each other. His eyes were desperate, but calming in a sense. The deep, coal black was familiar to me. The look of his eyes covered just barely by his hair was so calming, my breathing began to go back to normal.

He finished laughing, ordered the guards to take us back but before they did, he warned me of another "exciting day". I bit my lip to hold in my cries. The guards basically dragged my limp body to the cell.

I was tossed, along with Natsu into the horrific cell. Instinctively, my arms move to pull my shirt around me, and pull my skirt down. The thought just occurred to me that I was knocked out in pajamas, but woke up in a mini skirt, new bra, undershirt and a rather tight blue top.

I couldn't take this anymore. I didn't care about anything except getting out. The day tarted to catch up with my mind. Adrenaline crashed down away from my limbs, leaving them back under my weak control.

One would think I would be calmer away from that monster, but I wasnt. The panic I had held in all day was now ready to burst, like a balloon someone just kept filling with air.

Natsu spoke in a low whisper, "Luce. Lucy look at me."

He couldn't see me this upset. I was supposed to be saving him. My head gave a weak shake.

"Please Lucy," his hand brushed my chin, urging it to look up, towards his face.

Our eyes locked. His jaw was set, but soft at the same time. His rosy hair plastered to his forehead with swear, and the parts that weren't, were still styled horribly; spiked in every direction. A very attractive case of bed head. Had his eyes always been this beautiful? Dark, like a midnight sky, but sparkling, as if littered with stars. Tan skin surrounded those spheres, with a  look that could melt any girls heart.

And his warm hand was rested on my face.

"Breathe, I will get us out of here, okay?" I watched his lips move and form a sentence that put heat back into my cold being. Looking at his caring eyes, made my heart flutter. Suddenly, I was filled with baby butterflies.

My head and thoughts were in no order. No order whatsoever. I knew one thing though: This boy, however frustrating and broken he might be, had my heart.

I couldn't find my voice, so I pulled him to the wall, and gestured for him to scoot next to me. Confusion crossed his face, but he quickly followed my directions. I buried myself in his warm chest. The scent of ash, cinnamon and burning wood filled my nose, A smile crept onto my face as he wrapped his strong arm around me, and pulled me closer to him.

"Luce?" He called my name. I turned. "I will protect you. Get some rest. I won't let them hurt you tonight."

A sliver of a smile manage to answer his statement before the dark of sleep engulfed me, sending me into a state of restless rest.

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