Chapter 13 - All The Hookers Really Love Me

Start from the beginning

I slapped his butt again. “Kidnapping me might work faster though.”

“I’ll take it under consideration,” he answered and slapped mine too.

And then he smiled at me and it was slightly unsettling so I grabbed the leopard shirt and shoved it in his face. “What do you think? Should I start wearing leopard print?”

The way he handle the shirt, like it was contaminated, holding it with just his thumb and his forefinger and throwing it away from him with a face of utter disgust was absolutely epic. “So everybody can know your legs are open for some action?”

I huffed in annoyance, and threw my arms in the air. “What is it with you two and associating such a luxurious feline’s fur motifs,” I grabbed the leopard shirt and stroked it like it was a cat, making a Blue Steel face, “to sluts?”

Abbie snorted, ripping the shirt out of my hands and threw it back on the table where she had taken it. “Have you been out clubbing lately?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Have you?”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever!”

I shook my head slightly at her and turned my attention back on Landon. “Anyway, Landon dear, are you shopping for women’s clothes because you’re planning on getting a sex change? Because I’ve seen you naked and it would really be a waste.” I wiggled my eyebrows in emphasis.

“Shut up.” He chuckled, pushing my shoulder slightly. “No, it’s my sister’s birthday soon and I’m trying to buy her something.”

It was my turn to laugh. “And you want to get her a hooker gear? Because this shop isn’t exactly classy.”

Stranger-Danger boy sighed, running his hand through is hair almost with defeat. “Then what are you doing shopping here?”

“I’m just trying to keep my options open,” I replied with a grin.

“I don’t understand what you mean.”

“I mean, if I suddenly want to dress up like a hooker, I want to have the right props to do so.” I made a clicking sound with my cheeks and double guns with my indexes.

“Where should I be shopping then?”

Not here, definitely. His sister was a resident at the hospital. Trampy shirts weren’t the best present for her. “Come along Ponds!” I said enthusiastically and skipped out of the shop, Abbie and Landon in tow, rolling their eyes at me.


            After two hours of strolling around the mall, Landon had got his sister a present—well a few actually because he couldn’t quite decided and said he’d return the ones he wouldn’t give her later. Part of me could have bet though that he was going to give them all to her—the entire set of Doogie Howser M.D. DVDs which was her favourite TV show, the purse she had a picture of on her fridge, and the e-reader.

For my valuable help, Landon bought me a Zombie Spongebob t-shirt, with a one eyed Spongebob eating Patrick’s guts which was simply magnificent. I had also bought a bunch of clothes and other useless things but that wasn’t important.

And Abbie was happily skipping around with a bag full of new video games which amazed me because with the quantity she already had I could have sworn she already played at everything. Either way, Landon and I had a lot of fun listening to her giving a lecture on why no, she wouldn’t buy Mass 3 because yes, it was a shitty ending and she had been promised more and it contradicted things that had been said and at that point I started to tune her out and just look at the facial expression of the poor boy working there probably trying not to cry.

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