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they realized it all.

michael still crying, luke tried to calm michael down, ashton seems frustated.

it was that night.

a month ago.

luke, michael, and ashton were headed to the studio to celebrate their new album, but calum doesn't follow them.

he lied.

he wasn't tired, he's crying all night long, thinking about everything.

he doesn't know himself.

he grab his daily book and write something;

(a/n listen to Invisible, pls.)

Hey, its Calum Hood.
if you are reading it, thank you so much.
thank's for everything you've done to my life, you know, its a long journey. i made a history of my life. and you're the one of my history.

my family was the best family i've ever had in my life.

family, friends, and fans.

mom, dad, mali, thank you, i cant describe how much i love you. you guys are my lifesaver.

michael, luke, ashton, you guys are the best guys i've ever met. its an incredible journey, going everywhere with you, seeing another different faces everyday, but im sorry. i just too tired. but it doesn't mean i'm gone.

fans, you guys are my friends too, my girls. im sorry, i had to leave. but please, save me, in the bottom of your heart. im here, seeing your faces, you guys are beautiful. dont cry over me. its hurts me.

i know im stupid, im too young for this, i have a long journey, but im sorry.

i'm tired.

i dont know who i am.

i wish you guys understand me, i wish you guys doesn't hate me, i wish you guys still loves me, like i do.

please do what i do.

i have to go, its stupid, i know it.

but i should go.

i love you,


Calum drops his book on the bed, he grabs his car key, and drive his car.

he wasn't focus at all, he's thinking about everything, he's underpressure.

then he drove his car faster, trying to enjoy it all, trying to forgetting all of his problems.

but the car is too fast, then hit the tree beside the road.

the car was broken, it was burn.

and calum was died.



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