Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Ring! The lunch bell sounded, the teacher was already asleep as my classmates headed out the door. I stayed behind cleaning up the food scraps my side of the desk. Jeff was already done, he handed me a wet rag then left. When I was done, I placed the rag in the sink then poked the teacher. She rose her head then scratched her brown hair as I exited the room. I walked with Dina and Helen to the cafeteria where Nina and EJ were already waiting for us. Us five sat with Puppeteer and Zero then Lost Silver, Kagekao, and Sadie joined us. I've noticed in the past month I've been at this school I made a ton of friends. I guess I do fit right in this school. That is until after school hours. Nina and I were talking until someone yelled "Everyone Viper is coming!" The whole school freaked out. I mean freaked out.

"Oh no." Nina said. "We're in trouble." I could tell, just by saying her name gets everybody worked up. I followed Nina to the patio in the back of the school so we could avoid all chaos, then Lulu and Sadie caught up with us.

"Ahh! Viper's coming!" Sadie exclaimed. She clutched Lulu.

"W-what u-up w-with h-her a-anyway?" I asked.

"Viper is the headmaster's daughter, you probably already know that, and she's a very strong fighter." Nina explained.

"She's ranked number one in the whole school!" Lulu added. I stared nervously before I heard the hallway behind me quiet down. This worried so I went back inside, with friends behind me, to see students looking in one direction. At that moment, I knew what they were looking at. A girl with long, raven black hair was walking down the halls holding the head of some beast in one hand and a bloody katana in the other. She wore a black biker like jacket, a violet tanktop, black jeans, boots, and fingerless gloves. As she walked, the low heels of her boots echoed within every step. What terrified me was the look on her face, looked as if she was about murder the next person that walked up to her. Her pale skin, black lips, and menacing scarlet eyes were enough to have me run all the way home and lock up my doors.

"T-that's her." I heard Nina stutter. I held her arm as Viper walked closer. Everybody parted out of the way as she approached.

Okay, as she walked past Sadie, Nina, Lulu, and I, Viper turned her head slowly and looked directly at me. No joke, she looked at me dead straight in the eye before turning back and entering the headmaster's office. My friends caught the action and slowly turned their heads with scared expressions. I was frozen in my spot thinking to myself What just happened?

"Katie you're dead." Sadie replied. I couldn't agree more. Calm down pretty child. The voice told me, but my anxiety was through the fucking roof.


Pitter patter. Pitter patter. The raindrops splashed against the windows of my house. I listened carefully while I wrote my speech for my english class. So far, not so great. All I got was, What are the benefits for...

Out of frustration, I crumpled the paper and threw it at my pile of crumpled speech paper. I sighed loudly then grabbed my jacket and made my way out the door.

I don't know why but, I've recently grew into the habit of walking alone at night. It's not dangerous to me, or scary. Ring!!! Buzz!!! I dug into my jacket pocket to pull out my phone. On the screen, it was a text from Hoodie,

Hoodie: Can you come by the plaza?

Me: Okay. Now?

Hoodie: Now please.

Me: On my way.

The direction of the breeze led me to the plaza where Hoodie was leaning against one of the trees decorated with lights. I walked up to him. "Hey," he greeted, "Glad you could make it."

"H-hi. W-what's g-going o-on?"

"Are you good with kids?" I was taken back by his question. Then I moved my hand side to side like I was saying 'a little'. "Good enough. Follow me." Hoodie grabbed my hand as he lead me into the forest.

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