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You glanced at each one of them.

That's why the box is heavy... I didn't expect to have five more cats in here...

You thought as you gently placed the cardboard box on your lap and took the red striped cat on your arms. You smiled warmly at it before petting its head, giggling as it purred against your chest and meowed in delight.

This one's super friendly...

You looked at the box again. The cats looked at you with curiosity. They all had brown and white stripes on their body but had different colored fur on their bellies.

Well, you know what they say... The more the merrier.

"Okay, since you guys look alike except for your oddly colored fur. I'm going to assume you are sextuplet cats in the same gender..."

You gently grabbed the red kitty by the scruff and checked his 'animal parts'. The cat looks like its blushing but you shrugged it off.

Cats can't blush...right?

"Male, huh?" You muttered, placing the red kitty on my hands, smiling at it. "Since your fur is red. I'm going to call you, 'Red'!" You added, causing the cat on your hands to meow in approval.

You placed Red next to your legs and picked up another random cat inside the box. You stared at the blue striped cat with oddly thick eyebrows with big brown eyes staring at you. "Hmm...I'll call you... 'Blue'! How does that sound, little guy?~"

You chuckled when he meowed back and placed him next to Red, who instantly played with him"Okay~ Next!" You said, picking the green striped one who had this worried look on his face. "Aw~ Are you okay?" You cooed, cradling the cat on my arms as a mother would to her child.

The cat meowed just squirmed in your arms, blushing-

What's up with these cats and blushing- Is that even normal?!

You chuckled before carefully placing the box on the opposite side where you placed the first two cats and placed the green cat on your lap, petting it. The cat seemed to calm down and closed his eyes while purring in delight.

"I'll call you... 'Green'~," You said before you carefully stopped petting Green's head and placing him next to the first two, Red jumping on him as soon as you placed Green next to him. You giggled before looking at the box.

There are still three more cats to name after colors-;

And the one who caught your attention is the most bored-looking cat you have ever seen in your entire life with his eyes half-lidded. You tried to touch him, but he hissed at you as soon as you attempted to. You gave him a small smile and patted his head after another attempt.

Soon as the cat looked a little pleased, you nervously scooped it on your arms, smiling genuinely when he meowed and patted one of your hands and purred. "...Well~ It was worth it in the end. I'll call you, 'Purple'~" The cat only meowed before you placed him carefully next to Blue who he instantly hissed at and walked away.

You pouted a little but continued to name the last two remaining cats. You scooped the yellow striped cat with his mouth wide open. You giggled when he meowed at you with his tongue out. "Aw~ Such a cutie! I'll call you 'Yellow'! As soon as you finished the sentence, Yellow squirmed in your hands. You smiled and placed him on the sofa.

He quickly bolted in your apartment, impressed that he hasn't broken anything- You looked at the box after watching Yellow. "Okay! The last but not the least!" You scooped the last one of the cats on my arms. He meowed cutely while purring as you petted his head.

"I'll call you...Pinky~" You said giggling before putting him next to Green and stretched your arms up in the air.

"Okay... Since I already finished naming you all and it seems like you guys are still clean... I might as well feed you... What do cats eat?" You muttered to yourself as you stood up. You let the cats follow you to your small tidy kitchen and looked at the drawers and saw a few packs of cat food in your counter drawer.

You then remembered your big brother, Andrei has a few cats he's taking care of and probably forgot the cat food in here when he visited one time.

How typical of him.

You smiled, "Welp, jackpot. I guess this should be good for a few weeks for you guys. Thank you, bro-" You said to yourself before looking for two big bowls for the sextuplet cats to share on.

After finding polka-dotted big bowls on your shelf before placing the said bowls on the ground, putting cat food in the first bowl and putting water on the next one.

"Okay, that's good~" You looked at the cats next to your legs. They look like they have salivas dropping from their mouths. You giggled, "Come on, guys! Eat up." You said. The cats immediately walked to the bowl and stuffed their tiny faces with cat food.

"I wonder why you guys are abandoned there..." You muttered to yourself before standing up, making something for yourself to eat.

After that, you went upstairs and prepared a bed for the cats to sleep in next to your bed. You smiled as you looked at the fluffy looking cat bed before yawning.

Damn... I need to sleep- Thank Goodness. It's Saturday tomorrow.

You stretched before hearing several 'meows' from the hallway. I guess the cats found their way upstairs to find you. You opened your bedroom door and giggled as Blue and Red purred on both of your legs, Yellow dashed in and made sure to look at every corner of your room while the other three looked at you, still meowing.

"Okay, okay guys. Settle down to the bed next to mine. I'm just going to change and brush my teeth, and then we can hit the hay." You said, yawning again.

Green, Purple, and Pink went to your bed while Red and Blue followed you as you made your way to your bathroom. You just shrugged and let them follow.

It's okay... They're just cats! (Or are they xD)

You shivered at the thought as you closed the door, Red and Blue sitting on your closed toilet bowl, watching your every move as you change your clothes into a comfy big ass shirt and some pajama pants. You began to brush your teeth after petting Red and Blue's head. Little you did know, both of them are blushing inside.

You walked out of your bathroom with Red and Blue in your arms. A smile made it's way to your lips, again. The other cats are already on your bed, waiting for you three.

"I guess you guys can sleep with me tonight, I don't really mind." You said, placing Red and Blue on your bed before sitting on the said bed and laid on it, gently. The cats cuddling next to you in a way to say, 'Thank you'

You petted them one by one before drifting to sleep.

It seems your life would be interesting from now on.

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