The Cardbox

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You sighed for the umpteenth time.

It's already 6:30 pm. You are currently walking home from work. You are a total wreck today. You arrived late at work because you pulled an all-nighter, watching anime. 

You clumsily spilled the drink on a customer that he ordered earlier, probably because you were sleepy as fuck. Then to make things worse, your manager scolded you and almost fired you on the spot.

But to make your mood even worse, it suddenly began to rain. You cursed under your breath and used your backpack to shield you against the rain and quickly ran to your house which was a few more miles away from where you are now.

"Ah!" You exclaimed, toppling over something in the middle of the pathway.

"Ow... Huh?" You saw a cardboard box with little holes on each side of it in the middle of the road." What the heck? Why would a cardb-" You muttered under your breath but paused when you saw a black, red and white-furred cat poking its head out from the gap of the box, meowing at you.

"Aw... Poor thing..." An idea popped into your head. Since the kitty is obviously abandoned and you're pretty much lonely in your apartment. You could always have at least a pet to keep you company.

"Alright, you know what I'm taking you home with me, kitty~"

You smiled as you gently lifted the cardboard box in front of you, glad that the building where the cardboard box was abandoned had an extended roof to make sure the sidewalk is still dry.

You removed your black jacket to placed it on top of the box. You placed your backpack on your head again. "Alright... Ready. Set. Go!" You exclaimed, running toward your apartment that is a few blocks away.


You panted as you placed the cardboard box, gently on the floor beside your feet.

You are now in front of your apartment door. You fished your keys from your pocket, inserting it in the keyhole and unlocking it. You gently took the cardboard box, again and went inside.

After closing and locking the door again, you groped on the walls on your left and turned the lights on. You slipped off your flats and walked to the living room. You sat down on the sofa and placed your bag and jacket beside you while you placed the cardboard box on the coffee table.

You opened it and said,

"Alright, kitty! Welcome to your new home sweet-- eh?!"

Your eyes widened.

They are 5 more identical cats in the box.

To be continued

(Discontinued)Troublemakers ( Nekomatsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now