"Oh, hello dear." She smiled at me.


"Mom, me and Em are going to go for a drive." David said.

David's mother looked at all the stuff we had and narrowed her eyes, "You better have Emiry back at a decent time. It's supposed to get a little chilly tonight and I don't want Alice to get worried."

"Yeah mom I know."

"I mean it Davidson."

David slightly cringed from the use of his full name, "Yes ma'am."

She smiled, satisfied with that answer, "Well, have fun."

As we walked to David's car and loaded it up, I wondered what we were doing. Obviously there was a picnic involved. But I didn't say anything. David really wanted to surprise me with this, so I just enjoyed the ride. The sun was starting to set when we reached our destination. It was just a big open field and I was really confused. Again, I wanted to ask questions but I kept them to myself. Instead I just watched as David spread out the few blankets on the grass and grabbed two pillows from the large bag, as well as some notebooks and pens. He smiled at me and pat the spot next to him as he sat down. I took my seat and looked to David for a clue as to what I was supposed to be doing.

David sighed, "So you remember when your mom took us to that planetarium a few years ago?"


"Well, I don't think I ever told you how much I loved that."

"You didn't have to." I cut in before I could stop myself.

David blinked at me and I felt my cheeks flushing red. It just had been extremely easy to tell. It was written all over David's face. When I had glanced over at him during the show he looked so astounded. With the galaxy reflected in his eyes and his lips slightly parted. The way he took nearly half of all the pamphlets and brochures was too cute – his cheeks turning red when he knocked over something and apologizing too many times. It had made me fall deeper in love with him. Just him being himself.

David smiled fondly at me and chuckled, "I guess it was pretty obvious. But anyways, I had dad buy me a telescope the very next day and then I found this place a couple of weeks ago. So I thought that I could bring you along with me. Spend some quality bonding time!"

"Hmm, yes. Bonding time. Like we haven't known each other our whole lives." I said sarcastically.

David pouted, "Shut up. You know you love hanging out with me."

I smiled. "Sure."

"God, you're so mean! You're hurting my feelings Em."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. So what did your chef make for our picnic?" I said as I started to open up the basket. Mostly because I was hungry, but also because I could feel my heart rate start to pick up at the sudden thought that this was kind of like a date. Seriously, can I get an award for going on the most not-dates?

"Okay wow, you don't even believe I can make sandwiches. Our friendship is falling apart!" David cried.

I raised a brow,"You made the food?"

"Yep." I stared at him harder. "Okay no."

"That's what I thought."

"But I can make my own food! I just thought of the whole picnic thing during lunch okay? So I called home had our chef make it real quick."

I laughed and started to eat the sandwich I had grabbed. We ate and David explained that he brought along the notebooks to doodle in for a bit. I drew a cute little cat in the corner and then was forced to make more cute doodles for David. It consisted mostly of plants, cats, and sweets my mom had made before. At some point while I was doodling, David had gotten up and set up his telescope.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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